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# 🛠️ Setting up the bot
**Note:** This bot is run on your own machine or a server.
To keep it online, you need to keep the bot process running.
## Terminology
* **Main server** (or main guild) is the server where users will be contacting modmail from
* **Inbox server** (or inbox guild, or mail guild) is the server where modmail threads will be created.
In a "single-server setup" this is the same server as the main server.
* A **modmail thread** is a channel on the **inbox server** that contains the current exchange with the **user**.
These threads can be closed to archive them. One **user** can only have 1 modmail thread open at once.
* A **moderator**, in modmail's context, is a server staff member who responds to and manages modmail threads
* A **user**, in modmail's context, is a Discord user who is contacting modmail by DMing the bot
## Prerequisites
1. Create a bot account through the [Discord Developer Portal](https://discordapp.com/developers/)
2. Invite the created bot to your server
3. Install Node.js 10, 11, or 12
- Node.js 13 is currently not supported
4. [Download the latest bot release here](https://github.com/Dragory/modmailbot/releases/latest) (click on "Source code (zip)")
5. Extract the downloaded Zip file to a new folder
6. In the bot's folder, make a copy of the file `config.example.ini` and rename the copy to `config.ini`
## Single-server setup
In this setup, modmail threads are opened on the main server in a special category.
This is the recommended setup for small and medium sized servers.
1. **Go through the [prerequisites](#prerequisites) above first!**
2. Open `config.ini` in a text editor and fill in the required values. `mainGuildId` and `mailGuildId` should both be set to your server's id.
3. On a new line at the end of `config.ini`, add `categoryAutomation.newThread = CATEGORY_ID_HERE`
- Replace `CATEGORY_ID_HERE` with the ID of the category where new modmail threads should go
4. Make sure the bot has `Manage Channels`, `Manage Messages`, and `Attach Files` permissions in the category
5. **[🏃 Start the bot!](starting-the-bot.md)**
6. Want to change other bot options? See **[📝 Configuration](configuration.md)**
7. Have any other questions? Check out the **[🙋 Frequently Asked Questions](faq.md)** or
**[join the support server!](../README.md#support-server)**
## Two-server setup
In this setup, modmail threads are opened on a separate inbox server.
This is the recommended setup for large servers that get a lot of modmails, where a single-server setup could get messy.
You might also want this setup for privacy concerns*.
1. **Go through the [prerequisites](#prerequisites) above first!**
2. Create an inbox server on Discord
3. Invite the bot to the inbox server.
4. Open `config.ini` in a text editor and fill in the values
5. Make sure the bot has the `Manage Channels`, `Manage Messages`, and `Attach Files` permissions on the **inbox** server
6. **[🏃 Start the bot!](starting-the-bot.md)**
7. Want to change other bot options? See **[📝 Configuration](configuration.md)**
8. Have any other questions? Check out the **[🙋 Frequently Asked Questions](faq.md)** or
**[join the support server!](../README.md#support-server)**
*\* Since all channel names, even for channels you can't see, are public information through the API, a user with a
modified client could see the names of all users contacting modmail through the modmail channel names.*