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🛠️ Setting up the bot

Note: This bot is run on your own machine or a server.
To keep it online, you need to keep the bot process running.


  • Main server (or main guild) is the server where users will be contacting modmail from
  • Inbox server (or inbox guild, or mail guild) is the server where modmail threads will be created. In a "single-server setup" this is the same server as the main server.
  • A modmail thread is a channel on the inbox server that contains the current exchange with the user. These threads can be closed to archive them. One user can only have 1 modmail thread open at once.
  • A moderator, in modmail's context, is a server staff member who responds to and manages modmail threads
  • A user, in modmail's context, is a Discord user who is contacting modmail by DMing the bot


  1. Create a bot account through the Discord Developer Portal
  2. Invite the created bot to your server
  3. Install Node.js 10, 11, or 12
    • Node.js 13 is currently not supported
  4. Download the latest bot release here (click on "Source code (zip)")
  5. Extract the downloaded Zip file to a new folder
  6. In the bot's folder, make a copy of the file config.example.ini and rename the copy to config.ini

Single-server setup

In this setup, modmail threads are opened on the main server in a special category. This is the recommended setup for small and medium sized servers.

  1. Go through the prerequisites above first!
  2. Open config.ini in a text editor and fill in the required values. mainGuildId and mailGuildId should both be set to your server's id.
  3. On a new line at the end of config.ini, add categoryAutomation.newThread = CATEGORY_ID_HERE
    • Replace CATEGORY_ID_HERE with the ID of the category where new modmail threads should go
  4. Make sure the bot has Manage Channels, Manage Messages, and Attach Files permissions in the category
  5. 🏃 Start the bot!
  6. Want to change other bot options? See 📝 Configuration
  7. Have any other questions? Check out the 🙋 Frequently Asked Questions or join the support server!

Two-server setup

In this setup, modmail threads are opened on a separate inbox server. This is the recommended setup for large servers that get a lot of modmails, where a single-server setup could get messy. You might also want this setup for privacy concerns*.

  1. Go through the prerequisites above first!
  2. Create an inbox server on Discord
  3. Invite the bot to the inbox server.
  4. Open config.ini in a text editor and fill in the values
  5. Make sure the bot has the Manage Channels, Manage Messages, and Attach Files permissions on the inbox server
  6. 🏃 Start the bot!
  7. Want to change other bot options? See 📝 Configuration
  8. Have any other questions? Check out the 🙋 Frequently Asked Questions or join the support server!

* Since all channel names, even for channels you can't see, are public information through the API, a user with a modified client could see the names of all users contacting modmail through the modmail channel names.