Fork 0

47 lines
2.5 KiB

import { Message, PrivateChannel, GroupChannel } from 'eris';
import { Client, Command } from '../class';
export default class CreateAccount extends Command {
constructor(client: Client) {
this.name = 'createaccount';
this.description = 'Create an account on the Cloud VM';
this.usage = `${this.client.config.prefix}createaccount [User ID] [Email] [Account name]`;
this.aliases = ['createacc', 'cacc', 'caccount', 'create'];
this.permissions = { roles: ['662163685439045632', '701454780828221450'] };
this.enabled = true;
args[0] is the user ID
args[1] is the email
args[2] is the username of the account to be created
public async run(message: Message, args: string[]) {
try {
if (message.channel instanceof PrivateChannel || message.channel instanceof GroupChannel) return message; // Stop TS being gay
if (!args[2]) return this.client.commands.get('help').run(message, [this.name]);
if (!message.channel.guild.members.has(args[0])) return this.error(message.channel, 'User not found.');
if (message.channel.guild.members.get(args[0]).bot) return this.error(message.channel, 'I cannot create accounts for bots.');
const checkUser = await this.client.db.Account.findOne({ userID: args[0] });
if (checkUser) return this.error(message.channel, `<@${args[0]}> already has an account.`);
const checkEmail = await this.client.db.Account.findOne({ emailAddress: args[1] });
if (checkEmail) return this.error(message.channel, 'Account already exists with this email address.');
const checkAccount = await this.client.db.Account.findOne({ username: args[2] });
if (checkAccount) return this.error(message.channel, 'Account already exists with this username.');
if (!this.client.util.isValidEmail(args[1])) return this.error(message.channel, 'Invalid email address supplied.');
if (!/^[a-z][-a-z0-9]*$/.test(args[2])) return this.error(message.channel, 'Invalid username supplied.');
const confirmation = await this.loading(message.channel, 'Creating account...');
const data = await this.client.util.accounts.createAccount({ userID: args[0], username: args[2], emailAddress: args[1] }, message.author.id);
return confirmation.edit(`${this.client.stores.emojis.success} ***Account successfully created***\n**Username:** \`${args[2]}\`\n**Temporary Password:** \`${data.tempPass}\``);
} catch (error) {
return this.client.util.handleError(error, message, this);