Fork 0

32 lines
1.8 KiB

import { Message } from 'eris';
import { Command, RichEmbed } from '../class';
import { Client } from '..';
export default class Limits_SetRAMNotification extends Command {
constructor(client: Client) {
this.name = 'set-ram-notification';
this.description = 'Sets your personal perference for receiving RAM resource limit notifications. Set the limit to "-1" to disable notifications.';
this.usage = `${this.client.config.prefix}limits set-ram-notification <limit in mb>`;
this.enabled = true;
public async run(message: Message, args: string[]) {
try {
const account = await this.client.db.Account.findOne({ userID: message.author.id });
if (!account) return message.channel.createMessage(`***${this.client.stores.emojis.error} You do not have a Cloud Account.***`);
const tier = await this.client.db.Tier.findOne({ id: account.tier });
if (Number(args[0]) >= tier.resourceLimits.ram) return message.channel.createMessage(`***${this.client.stores.emojis.error} You cannot set your notification limit to be set to or above your hard limit.***`);
if (Number(args[0]) < 0) return message.channel.createMessage(`***${this.client.stores.emojis.error} You cannot set your notification limit to a negative number.***`);
if (Number(args[0]) === 0) {
await account.updateOne({ $set: { ramLimitNotification: 0 } });
return message.channel.createMessage(`***${this.client.stores.emojis.success} You have disabled notifications.***`);
await account.updateOne({ $set: { ramLimitNotification: Number(args[0]) } });
return message.channel.createMessage(`***${this.client.stores.emojis.success} You will now receive notifications when you go above ${Number(args[0])} MB.***`);
} catch (error) {
return this.client.util.handleError(error, message, this);