import fs from 'fs-extra'; import axios from 'axios'; import moment from 'moment'; import x509 from '@ghaiklor/x509'; import { Message } from 'eris'; import { AccountInterface } from '../models'; import { Command, RichEmbed } from '../class'; import { Client } from '..'; export default class CWG extends Command { constructor(client: Client) { super(client); = 'cwg'; this.description = 'Manages aspects for the CWG.'; this.usage = `${this.client.config.prefix}cwg create [User ID/Username] [Domain] [Port] \n${this.client.config.prefix}cwg data [Domain/Port]`; this.permissions = { roles: ['525441307037007902'] }; this.enabled = true; } public async run(message: Message, args?: string[]) { try { if (!args.length) return this.client.commands.get('help').run(message, []); /* args[1] should be the user's ID OR account username; required args[2] should be the domain; required args[3] should be the port; required args[4] should be the path to the x509 certificate; not required args[5] should be the path to the x509 key; not required */ if (args[0] === 'create') { if (!args[3]) return this.client.commands.get('help').run(message, []); try { const edit = await`***${this.client.stores.emojis.loading} Binding domain...`); const account = await this.client.db.Account.findOne({ $or: [{ account: args[1] }, { userID: args[1] }] }); if (!account) return edit.edit(`${this.client.stores.emojis.error} Cannot locate account, please try again.`); if (args[4] && !args[5]) return edit.edit(`${this.client.stores.emojis.error} x509 Certificate key required`); let certs: { cert?: string, key?: string }; if (args[5]) certs = { cert: args[4], key: args[5] }; if (await this.client.db.Domain.exists({ domain: args[2] })) return edit.edit(`***${this.client.stores.emojis.error} This domain already exists.***`); if (await this.client.db.Domain.exists({ port: Number(args[3]) })) return edit.edit(`***${this.client.stores.emojis.error} This port is already binded to a domain.***`); const domain = await this.createDomain(account, args[2], Number(args[3]), certs); const embed = new RichEmbed(); embed.setTitle('Domain Creation'); embed.setColor(3066993); embed.addField('Account Username', account.username, true); embed.addField('Account ID',, true); embed.addField('Engineer', `<@${}>`, true); embed.addField('Domain', domain.domain, true); embed.addField('Port', String(domain.port), true); const cert = x509.parseCert(await fs.readFile(domain.x509.cert, { encoding: 'utf8' })); embed.addField('Certificate Issuer', cert.issuer.organizationName, true); embed.addField('Certificate Subject', cert.subject.commonName, true); embed.setFooter(this.client.user.username, this.client.user.avatarURL); embed.setTimestamp(new Date(message.timestamp)); message.delete(); edit.edit(`***${this.client.stores.emojis.success} Successfully binded ${domain.domain} to port ${domain.port} for ${account.userID}.***`); // @ts-ignore this.client.createMessage('580950455581147146', { embed }); // @ts-ignore this.client.getDMChannel(account.userID).then((r) => r.createMessage({ embed })); await this.client.util.transport.sendMail({ to: account.emailAddress, from: 'Library of Code sp-us | Support Team ', subject: 'Your domain has been binded', html: `

Library of Code sp-us | Cloud Services

Hello, this is an email informing you that a new domain under your account has been binded. Information is below.

Domain: ${domain.domain} Port: ${domain.port} Certificate Issuer: ${cert.issuer.organizationName} Certificate Subject: ${cert.subject.commonName} Responsible Engineer: ${}#${} If you have any questions about additional setup, you can reply to this email or send a message in #cloud-support in our Discord server. Library of Code sp-us | Support Team `, }); if (!domain.domain.includes('')) { const content = `_**DNS Record Setup**__\nYou recently a binded a custom domain to your Library of Code sp-us Account. You'll have to update your DNS records. We've provided the records below.\n\n\`${domain.domain} IN CNAME AUTO/500\`\nThis basically means you need to make a CNAME record with the key/host of ${domain.domain} and the value/point to If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask us.`; this.client.getDMChannel(account.userID).then((r) => r.createMessage(content)); } } catch (err) { this.client.util.handleError(err, message, this); } } else if (args[0] === 'data') { if (!args[1]) return this.client.commands.get('help').run(message, []); const domain = await this.client.db.Domain.findOne({ $or: [{ domain: args[1] }, { port: Number(args[1]) || '' }] }); if (!domain) return`***${this.client.stores.emojis.error} The domain or port you provided could not be found.***`); const embed = new RichEmbed(); embed.setTitle('Domain Information'); embed.addField('Account Username', domain.account.username, true); embed.addField('Account ID', domain.account.userID, true); embed.addField('Domain', domain.domain, true); embed.addField('Port', String(domain.port), true); embed.addField('Certificate Issuer', x509.getIssuer(await fs.readFile(domain.x509.cert, { encoding: 'utf8' })).organizationName, true); embed.addField('Certificate Subject', x509.getSubject(await fs.readFile(domain.x509.cert, { encoding: 'utf8' })).commonName, true); embed.addField('Certificate Expiration Date', moment(x509.parseCert(await fs.readFile(domain.x509.cert, { encoding: 'utf8' })).notAfter).format('dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss A'), true); embed.setFooter(this.client.user.username, this.client.user.avatarURL); embed.setTimestamp(); // @ts-ignore{ embed }); } else {`${this.client.stores.emojis.error} Not a valid subcommand.`); } return true; } catch (error) { return this.client.util.handleError(error, message, this); } } /** * This function binds a domain to a port on the CWG. * @param account The account of the user. * @param subdomain The domain to use. `` * @param port The port to use, must be between 1024 and 65535. * @param x509 The paths to the certificate and key files. Must be already existant. * @example await CWG.createDomain('', 6781); */ public async createDomain(account: AccountInterface, domain: string, port: number, x509Certificate: { cert?: string, key?: string } = { cert: '/etc/nginx/ssl/cloud-org.chain.crt', key: '/etc/nginx/ssl/cloud-org.key.pem' }) { try { if (port <= 1024 || port >= 65535) throw new RangeError(`Port range must be between 1024 and 65535, received ${port}.`); if (await this.client.db.Domain.exists({ port })) throw new Error(`Port ${port} already exists in the database.`); if (await this.client.db.Domain.exists({ domain })) throw new Error(`Domain ${domain} already exists in the database.`); if (!await this.client.db.Account.exists({ userID: account.userID })) throw new Error(`Cannot find account ${account.userID}.`); await fs.access(x509Certificate.cert, fs.constants.R_OK); await fs.access(x509Certificate.key, fs.constants.R_OK); let cfg = await fs.readFile('/var/CloudServices/dist/static/nginx.conf', { encoding: 'utf8' }); cfg = cfg.replace(/\[DOMAIN]/g, domain); cfg = cfg.replace(/\[PORT]/g, String(port)); cfg = cfg.replace(/\[CERTIFICATE]/g, x509Certificate.cert); cfg = cfg.replace(/\[KEY]/g, x509Certificate.key); await fs.writeFile(`/etc/nginx/sites-available/${domain}`, cfg, { encoding: 'utf8' }); await fs.symlink(`/etc/nginx/sites-available/${domain}`, `/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/${domain}`); const entry = new this.client.db.Domain({ account, domain, port, x509: x509Certificate, enabled: true, }); if (domain.includes('')) { const dmn = domain.split('.'); await axios({ method: 'post', url: '', headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.client.config.cloudflare}`, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, data: JSON.stringify({ type: 'CNAME', name: `${dmn[0]}.${dmn[1]}`, content: '', proxied: false }), }); } return; } catch (error) { await fs.unlink(`/etc/nginx/sites-available/${domain}`); await fs.unlink(`/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/${domain}`); await this.client.db.Domain.deleteMany({ domain }); throw error; } } }