2019-10-28 16:21:04 -04:00
import { Message , PrivateChannel } from 'eris' ;
import uuid from 'uuid/v4' ;
2019-11-11 20:15:46 -05:00
import { Command } from '../class' ;
2019-10-28 17:29:06 -04:00
import { Client } from '..' ;
2019-10-28 16:21:04 -04:00
export default class DeleteAccount extends Command {
constructor ( client : Client ) {
super ( client ) ;
this . name = 'deleteaccount' ;
this . description = 'Delete an account on the Cloud VM' ;
2019-12-23 09:18:17 -05:00
this . usage = ` ${ this . client . config . prefix } deleteaccount [User Name | User ID | Email Address] [Reason] ` ;
2019-10-28 16:21:04 -04:00
this . aliases = [ 'deleteacc' , 'dacc' , 'daccount' , 'delete' ] ;
2020-01-03 10:15:30 -05:00
this . permissions = { roles : [ '662163685439045632' ] } ;
2019-10-31 20:37:53 -04:00
this . guildOnly = true ;
2019-10-28 16:21:04 -04:00
this . enabled = true ;
public async run ( message : Message , args : string [ ] ) {
try {
if ( ! args [ 1 ] ) return this . client . commands . get ( 'help' ) . run ( message , [ this . name ] ) ;
const account = await this . client . db . Account . findOne ( { $or : [ { username : args [ 0 ] } , { userID : args [ 0 ] } , { emailAddress : args [ 0 ] } ] } ) ;
2019-10-30 16:23:37 -04:00
if ( ! account ) return message . channel . createMessage ( ` ${ this . client . stores . emojis . error } ***Account not found.*** ` ) ;
2019-12-23 12:08:42 -05:00
const { root , username , userID , emailAddress , homepath } = account ;
2019-10-30 16:23:37 -04:00
if ( root ) return message . channel . createMessage ( ` ${ this . client . stores . emojis . error } ***Permission denied.*** ` ) ;
2019-10-28 16:21:04 -04:00
const pad = ( number : number , amount : number ) : string = > '0' . repeat ( amount - number . toString ( ) . length ) + number ;
const randomNumber = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 9999 ) ;
const verify = pad ( randomNumber , 4 ) ;
try {
await this . client . util . messageCollector ( message ,
` ***Please confirm that you are permanently deleting ${ username } 's account by entering ${ verify } . This action cannot be reversed.*** ` ,
15000 , true , [ verify ] , ( msg ) = > ! ( message . channel instanceof PrivateChannel && msg . author . id === message . author . id ) ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
if ( error . message . includes ( 'Did not supply' ) ) return message ;
throw error ;
2019-10-30 20:56:27 -04:00
const deleting = await message . channel . createMessage ( ` ${ this . client . stores . emojis . loading } ***Deleting account, please wait...*** ` ) ;
2019-10-28 16:21:04 -04:00
const reason = args . slice ( 1 ) . join ( ' ' ) ;
const logInput = { username , userID , logID : uuid ( ) , moderatorID : message.author.id , type : 4 , date : new Date ( ) , reason : null } ;
if ( reason ) logInput . reason = reason ;
2019-10-29 14:20:51 -04:00
await this . client . util . createModerationLog ( args [ 0 ] , message . member , 4 , reason ) ;
2019-10-30 16:19:13 -04:00
await this . client . util . deleteAccount ( username ) ;
2019-10-28 16:21:04 -04:00
this . client . util . transport . sendMail ( {
to : account.emailAddress ,
2020-01-18 00:12:50 -05:00
from : 'Library of Code sp-us | Cloud Services <help@libraryofcode.org>' ,
2019-10-28 16:21:04 -04:00
subject : 'Your account has been deleted' ,
html : `
< h1 > Library of Code | Cloud Services < / h1 >
2020-01-03 10:15:30 -05:00
< p > Your Cloud Account has been deleted by our Engineers . If your account was deleted due to infractions , this will not be appealable . We ' re sorry to see you go . < / p >
2019-10-28 16:21:04 -04:00
< p > < b > Reason : < / b > $ { reason } < / p >
< p > < b > Engineer : < / b > $ { message . author . username } < / p >
< b > < i > Library of Code sp - us | Support Team < / i > < / b >
` ,
} ) ;
2019-11-26 03:24:24 -05:00
return deleting . edit ( ` ${ this . client . stores . emojis . success } ***Account ${ username } has been deleted by Engineer ${ message . author . username } # ${ message . author . discriminator } *** ` ) ;
2019-10-28 16:21:04 -04:00
} catch ( error ) {
return this . client . util . handleError ( error , message , this ) ;