441 lines
16 KiB
441 lines
16 KiB
const fs = require('fs');
const Eris = require('eris');
const moment = require('moment');
const humanizeDuration = require('humanize-duration');
const config = require('./config');
const bot = require('./bot');
const Queue = require('./queue');
const utils = require('./utils');
const blocked = require('./blocked');
const threads = require('./threads');
const logs = require('./logs');
const attachments = require('./attachments');
const snippets = require('./snippets');
const webserver = require('./webserver');
const greeting = require('./greeting');
const messageQueue = new Queue();
// Force crash on unhandled rejections (use something like forever/pm2 to restart)
process.on('unhandledRejection', err => {
if (err instanceof utils.BotError || (err && err.code)) {
// We ignore stack traces for BotErrors (the message has enough info) and network errors from Eris (their stack traces are unreadably long)
console.error(`Error: ${err.message}`);
} else {
// Once the bot has connected, set the status/"playing" message
bot.on('ready', () => {
bot.editStatus(null, {name: config.status || 'Message me for help'});
console.log('Bot started, listening to DMs');
// If the alwaysReply option is set to true, send all messages in modmail threads as replies, unless they start with a command prefix
if (config.alwaysReply) {
bot.on('messageCreate', msg => {
if (! utils.messageIsOnInboxServer(msg)) return;
if (! utils.isStaff(msg)) return;
if (msg.author.bot) return;
if (msg.content.startsWith(config.prefix) || msg.content.startsWith(config.snippetPrefix)) return;
reply(msg, msg.content.trim(), config.alwaysReplyAnon || false);
// "Bot was mentioned in #general-discussion"
bot.on('messageCreate', async msg => {
if (! utils.messageIsOnMainServer(msg)) return;
if (! msg.mentions.some(user => user.id === bot.user.id)) return;
// If the person who mentioned the modmail bot is also on the modmail server, ignore them
if (utils.getInboxGuild().members.get(msg.author.id)) return;
// If the person who mentioned the bot is blocked, ignore them
if (await blocked.isBlocked(msg.author.id)) return;
bot.createMessage(utils.getLogChannel(bot).id, {
content: `@here Bot mentioned in ${msg.channel.mention} by **${msg.author.username}#${msg.author.discriminator}**: "${msg.cleanContent}"`,
disableEveryone: false,
// When we get a private message, forward the contents to the corresponding modmail thread
bot.on('messageCreate', async msg => {
if (! (msg.channel instanceof Eris.PrivateChannel)) return;
if (msg.author.id === bot.user.id) return;
if (await blocked.isBlocked(msg.author.id)) return;
// Download and save copies of attachments in the background
const attachmentSavePromise = attachments.saveAttachmentsInMessage(msg);
let threadCreationFailed = false;
// Private message handling is queued so e.g. multiple message in quick succession don't result in multiple channels being created
messageQueue.add(async () => {
let thread;
// Find the corresponding modmail thread
try {
thread = await threads.getForUser(msg.author, true, msg);
} catch (e) {
Modmail thread for ${msg.author.username}#${msg.author.discriminator} (${msg.author.id}) could not be created:
Here's what their message contained:
if (! thread) {
// If there's no thread returned, this message was probably ignored (e.g. due to a common word)
// TODO: Move that logic here instead?
if (thread._wasCreated) {
const mainGuild = utils.getMainGuild();
const member = (mainGuild ? mainGuild.members.get(msg.author.id) : null);
if (! member) console.log(`[INFO] Member ${msg.author.id} not found in main guild ${config.mainGuildId}`);
let mainGuildNickname = null;
if (member && member.nick) mainGuildNickname = member.nick;
else if (member && member.user) mainGuildNickname = member.user.username;
else if (member == null) mainGuildNickname = 'NOT ON SERVER';
if (mainGuildNickname == null) mainGuildNickname = 'UNKNOWN';
const userLogs = await logs.getLogsByUserId(msg.author.id);
const accountAge = humanizeDuration(Date.now() - msg.author.createdAt, {largest: 2});
const infoHeader = `ACCOUNT AGE **${accountAge}**, ID **${msg.author.id}**, NICKNAME **${mainGuildNickname}**, LOGS **${userLogs.length}**\n-------------------------------`;
await bot.createMessage(thread.channelId, infoHeader);
// Ping mods of the new thread
await bot.createMessage(thread.channelId, {
content: `@here New modmail thread (${msg.author.username}#${msg.author.discriminator})`,
disableEveryone: false,
// Send an automatic reply to the user informing them of the successfully created modmail thread
msg.channel.createMessage(config.responseMessage).catch(err => {
utils.postError(`There is an issue sending messages to ${msg.author.username}#${msg.author.discriminator} (${msg.author.id}); consider messaging manually`);
const timestamp = utils.getTimestamp();
const attachmentsPendingStr = '\n\n*Attachments pending...*';
let content = msg.content;
if (msg.attachments.length > 0) content += attachmentsPendingStr;
const createdMsg = await bot.createMessage(thread.channelId, `[${timestamp}] « **${msg.author.username}#${msg.author.discriminator}:** ${content}`);
if (msg.attachments.length > 0) {
await attachmentSavePromise;
const formattedAttachments = await Promise.all(msg.attachments.map(utils.formatAttachment));
const attachmentMsg = `\n\n` + formattedAttachments.reduce((str, formatted) => str + `\n\n${formatted}`);
createdMsg.edit(createdMsg.content.replace(attachmentsPendingStr, attachmentMsg));
// Edits in DMs
bot.on('messageUpdate', async (msg, oldMessage) => {
if (! (msg.channel instanceof Eris.PrivateChannel)) return;
if (msg.author.id === bot.user.id) return;
if (await blocked.isBlocked(msg.author.id)) return;
let oldContent = oldMessage.content;
const newContent = msg.content;
// Old message content doesn't persist between bot restarts
if (oldContent == null) oldContent = '*Unavailable due to bot restart*';
// Ignore bogus edit events with no changes
if (newContent.trim() === oldContent.trim()) return;
const thread = await threads.getForUser(msg.author);
if (! thread) return;
const editMessage = utils.disableLinkPreviews(`**The user edited their message:**\n\`B:\` ${oldContent}\n\`A:\` ${newContent}`);
bot.createMessage(thread.channelId, editMessage);
* Sends a reply to the modmail thread where `msg` was posted.
* @param {Eris.Message} msg
* @param {string} text
* @param {bool} anonymous
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async function reply(msg, text, anonymous = false) {
const thread = await threads.getByChannelId(msg.channel.id);
if (! thread) return;
await attachments.saveAttachmentsInMessage(msg);
const dmChannel = await bot.getDMChannel(thread.userId);
let modUsername, logModUsername;
const mainRole = utils.getMainRole(msg.member);
if (anonymous) {
modUsername = (mainRole ? mainRole.name : 'Moderator');
logModUsername = `(Anonymous) (${msg.author.username}) ${mainRole ? mainRole.name : 'Moderator'}`;
} else {
const name = (config.useNicknames ? msg.member.nick || msg.author.username : msg.author.username);
modUsername = (mainRole ? `(${mainRole.name}) ${name}` : name);
logModUsername = modUsername;
let content = `**${modUsername}:** ${text}`;
let logContent = `**${logModUsername}:** ${text}`;
async function sendMessage(file, attachmentUrl) {
try {
await dmChannel.createMessage(content, file);
} catch (e) {
if (e.resp && e.resp.statusCode === 403) {
msg.channel.createMessage(`Could not send reply; the user has likely left the server or blocked the bot`);
} else if (e.resp) {
msg.channel.createMessage(`Could not send reply; error code ${e.resp.statusCode}`);
} else {
msg.channel.createMessage(`Could not send reply: ${e.toString()}`);
if (attachmentUrl) {
content += `\n\n**Attachment:** ${attachmentUrl}`;
logContent += `\n\n**Attachment:** ${attachmentUrl}`;
// Show the message in the modmail thread as well
msg.channel.createMessage(`[${utils.getTimestamp()}] » ${logContent}`);
if (msg.attachments.length > 0) {
// If the reply has an attachment, relay it as is
fs.readFile(attachments.getPath(msg.attachments[0].id), async (err, data) => {
const file = {file: data, name: msg.attachments[0].filename};
const attachmentUrl = await attachments.getUrl(msg.attachments[0].id, msg.attachments[0].filename);
sendMessage(file, attachmentUrl);
} else {
// Otherwise just send the message regularly
// Mods can reply to modmail threads using !r or !reply
// These messages get relayed back to the DM thread between the bot and the user
utils.addInboxCommand('reply', (msg, args) => {
const text = args.join(' ').trim();
reply(msg, text, false);
bot.registerCommandAlias('r', 'reply');
// Anonymous replies only show the role, not the username
utils.addInboxCommand('anonreply', (msg, args) => {
const text = args.join(' ').trim();
reply(msg, text, true);
bot.registerCommandAlias('ar', 'anonreply');
// Close a thread. Closing a thread saves a log of the channel's contents and then deletes the channel.
utils.addInboxCommand('close', async (msg, args, thread) => {
if (! thread) return;
await msg.channel.createMessage('Saving logs and closing channel...');
const logMessages = await msg.channel.getMessages(10000);
const log = logMessages.reverse().map(msg => {
const date = moment.utc(msg.timestamp, 'x').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
return `[${date}] ${msg.author.username}#${msg.author.discriminator}: ${msg.content}`;
}).join('\n') + '\n';
const logFilename = await logs.getNewLogFile(thread.userId);
await logs.saveLogFile(logFilename, log);
const logUrl = await logs.getLogFileUrl(logFilename);
const closeMessage = `Modmail thread with ${thread.username} (${thread.userId}) was closed by ${msg.author.username}
Logs: <${logUrl}>`;
bot.createMessage(utils.getLogChannel(bot).id, closeMessage);
await threads.close(thread.channelId);
utils.addInboxCommand('block', (msg, args, thread) => {
async function block(userId) {
await blocked.block(userId);
msg.channel.createMessage(`Blocked <@${userId}> (id ${userId}) from modmail`);
if (args.length > 0) {
// User mention/id as argument
const userId = utils.getUserMention(args.join(' '));
if (! userId) return;
} else if (thread) {
// Calling !block without args in a modmail thread blocks the user of that thread
utils.addInboxCommand('unblock', (msg, args, thread) => {
async function unblock(userId) {
await blocked.unblock(userId);
msg.channel.createMessage(`Unblocked <@${userId}> (id ${userId}) from modmail`);
if (args.length > 0) {
// User mention/id as argument
const userId = utils.getUserMention(args.join(' '));
if (! userId) return;
} else if (thread) {
// Calling !unblock without args in a modmail thread unblocks the user of that thread
utils.addInboxCommand('logs', (msg, args, thread) => {
async function getLogs(userId) {
const infos = await logs.getLogsWithUrlByUserId(userId);
let message = `**Log files for <@${userId}>:**\n`;
message += infos.map(info => {
const formattedDate = moment.utc(info.date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss').format('MMM Do [at] HH:mm [UTC]');
return `\`${formattedDate}\`: <${info.url}>`;
// Send the list of logs in chunks of 15 lines per message
const lines = message.split('\n');
const chunks = utils.chunk(lines, 15);
let root = Promise.resolve();
chunks.forEach(lines => {
root = root.then(() => msg.channel.createMessage(lines.join('\n')));
if (args.length > 0) {
// User mention/id as argument
const userId = utils.getUserMention(args.join(' '));
if (! userId) return;
} else if (thread) {
// Calling !logs without args in a modmail thread returns the logs of the user of that thread
// Snippets
bot.on('messageCreate', async msg => {
if (! utils.messageIsOnInboxServer(msg)) return;
if (! utils.isStaff(msg.member)) return;
if (msg.author.bot) return;
if (! msg.content) return;
if (! msg.content.startsWith(config.snippetPrefix)) return;
const shortcut = msg.content.replace(config.snippetPrefix, '').toLowerCase();
const snippet = await snippets.get(shortcut);
if (! snippet) return;
reply(msg, snippet.text, snippet.isAnonymous);
// Show or add a snippet
utils.addInboxCommand('snippet', async (msg, args) => {
const shortcut = args[0];
if (! shortcut) return
const text = args.slice(1).join(' ').trim();
const snippet = await snippets.get(shortcut);
if (snippet) {
if (text) {
// If the snippet exists and we're trying to create a new one, inform the user the snippet already exists
msg.channel.createMessage(`Snippet "${shortcut}" already exists! You can edit or delete it with ${prefix}edit_snippet and ${prefix}delete_snippet respectively.`);
} else {
// If the snippet exists and we're NOT trying to create a new one, show info about the existing snippet
msg.channel.createMessage(`\`${config.snippetPrefix}${shortcut}\` replies ${snippet.isAnonymous ? 'anonymously ' : ''}with:\n${snippet.text}`);
} else {
if (text) {
// If the snippet doesn't exist and the user wants to create it, create it
await snippets.add(shortcut, text, false);
msg.channel.createMessage(`Snippet "${shortcut}" created!`);
} else {
// If the snippet doesn't exist and the user isn't trying to create it, inform them how to create it
msg.channel.createMessage(`Snippet "${shortcut}" doesn't exist! You can create it with \`${prefix}snippet ${shortcut} text\``);
bot.registerCommandAlias('s', 'snippet');
utils.addInboxCommand('delete_snippet', async (msg, args) => {
const shortcut = args[0];
if (! shortcut) return;
const snippet = await snippets.get(shortcut);
if (! snippet) {
msg.channel.createMessage(`Snippet "${shortcut}" doesn't exist!`);
await snippets.del(shortcut);
msg.channel.createMessage(`Snippet "${shortcut}" deleted!`);
bot.registerCommandAlias('ds', 'delete_snippet');
utils.addInboxCommand('edit_snippet', async (msg, args) => {
const shortcut = args[0];
if (! shortcut) return;
const text = args.slice(1).join(' ').trim();
if (! text) return;
const snippet = await snippets.get(shortcut);
if (! snippet) {
msg.channel.createMessage(`Snippet "${shortcut}" doesn't exist!`);
await snippets.del(shortcut);
await snippets.add(shortcut, text, snippet.isAnonymous);
msg.channel.createMessage(`Snippet "${shortcut}" edited!`);
bot.registerCommandAlias('es', 'edit_snippet');
utils.addInboxCommand('snippets', async msg => {
const allSnippets = await snippets.all();
const shortcuts = Object.keys(allSnippets);
msg.channel.createMessage(`Available snippets (prefix ${config.snippetPrefix}):\n${shortcuts.join(', ')}`);
// Start the bot!