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* @typedef {object} ModmailConfig
* @property {string} [token]
* @property {array} [mainServerId]
* @property {string} [inboxServerId]
* @property {string} [logChannelId]
* @property {array} [mainGuildId]
* @property {string} [mailGuildId]
* @property {string} [prefix="!"]
* @property {string} [snippetPrefix="!!"]
* @property {string} [snippetPrefixAnon="!!!"]
* @property {string} [status="Message me for help!"]
* @property {string} [responseMessage="Thank you for your message! Our mod team will reply to you here as soon as possible."]
* @property {string} [closeMessage]
* @property {boolean} [allowUserClose=false]
* @property {string} [newThreadCategoryId]
* @property {string} [mentionRole="here"]
* @property {boolean} [pingOnBotMention=true]
* @property {string} [botMentionResponse]
* @property {array} [inboxServerPermission=[]]
* @property {boolean} [alwaysReply=false]
* @property {boolean} [alwaysReplyAnon=false]
* @property {boolean} [useNicknames=false]
* @property {boolean} [ignoreAccidentalThreads=false]
* @property {boolean} [threadTimestamps=false]
* @property {boolean} [allowMove=false]
* @property {boolean} [syncPermissionsOnMove=true]
* @property {boolean} [typingProxy=false]
* @property {boolean} [typingProxyReverse=false]
* @property {boolean} [mentionUserInThreadHeader=false]
* @property {boolean} [rolesInThreadHeader=false]
* @property {boolean} [allowStaffEdit=true]
* @property {boolean} [allowStaffDelete=true]
* @property {boolean} [enableGreeting=false]
* @property {string} [greetingMessage]
* @property {string} [greetingAttachment]
* @property {*} [guildGreetings={}]
* @property {number} [requiredAccountAge] Required account age to message Modmail, in hours
* @property {string} [accountAgeDeniedMessage="Your Discord account is not old enough to contact modmail."]
* @property {number} [requiredTimeOnServer] Required time on server to message Modmail, in minutes
* @property {string} [timeOnServerDeniedMessage="You haven't been a member of the server for long enough to contact modmail."]
* @property {boolean} [relaySmallAttachmentsAsAttachments=false]
* @property {number} [smallAttachmentLimit=2097152] Max size of attachment to relay directly. Default is 2MB.
* @property {string} [attachmentStorage="original"]
* @property {string} [attachmentStorageChannelId]
* @property {*} [categoryAutomation={}]
* @property {boolean} [updateNotifications=true]
* @property {array} [plugins=[]]
* @property {*} [commandAliases]
* @property {boolean} [reactOnSeen=false]
* @property {string} [reactOnSeenEmoji="📨"]
* @property {boolean} [createThreadOnMention=false]
* @property {number} [port=8890]
* @property {string} [url]
* @property {array} [extraIntents=[]]
* @property {*} [dbType="sqlite"]
* @property {object} [sqliteOptions]
* @property {string} sqliteOptions.filename
* @property {object} [mysqlOptions]
* @property {string} mysqlOptions.host
* @property {number} mysqlOptions.port
* @property {string} mysqlOptions.user
* @property {string} mysqlOptions.password
* @property {string} mysqlOptions.database
* @property {string} [mysqlOptions.timezone]