const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const Ajv = require('ajv'); const schema = require('./data/cfg.schema.json'); /** @type {ModmailConfig} */ let config = {}; // Config files to search for, in priority order const configFiles = [ 'config.ini', 'config.json', 'config.json5', 'config.js', // Possible config files when file extensions are hidden 'config.ini.ini', 'config.ini.txt', 'config.json.json', 'config.json.txt', ]; let foundConfigFile; for (const configFile of configFiles) { try { fs.accessSync(__dirname + '/../' + configFile); foundConfigFile = configFile; break; } catch (e) {} } // Load config values from a config file (if any) if (foundConfigFile) { console.log(`Loading configuration from ${foundConfigFile}...`); try { if (foundConfigFile.endsWith('.js')) { config = require(`../${foundConfigFile}`); } else { const raw = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../' + foundConfigFile, {encoding: "utf8"}); if (foundConfigFile.endsWith('.ini') || foundConfigFile.endsWith('.ini.txt')) { config = require('ini').decode(raw); } else { config = require('json5').parse(raw); } } } catch (e) { throw new Error(`Error reading config file! The error given was: ${e.message}`); } } // Set dynamic default values which can't be set in the schema directly config.dbDir = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'db'); config.logDir = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'logs'); // Only used for migrating data from older Modmail versions // Load config values from environment variables const envKeyPrefix = 'MM_'; let loadedEnvValues = 0; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(process.env)) { if (! key.startsWith(envKeyPrefix)) continue; // MM_CLOSE_MESSAGE -> closeMessage // MM_COMMAND_ALIASES__MV => const configKey = key.slice(envKeyPrefix.length) .toLowerCase() .replace(/([a-z])_([a-z])/g, (m, m1, m2) => `${m1}${m2.toUpperCase()}`) .replace('__', '.'); config[configKey] = value.includes('||') ? value.split('||') : value; loadedEnvValues++; } if (process.env.PORT && ! process.env.MM_PORT) { // Special case: allow common "PORT" environment variable without prefix config.port = process.env.PORT; loadedEnvValues++; } if (loadedEnvValues > 0) { console.log(`Loaded ${loadedEnvValues} ${loadedEnvValues === 1 ? 'value' : 'values'} from environment variables`); } // Convert config keys with periods to objects // E.g. -> commandAliases: { mv: ... } for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(config)) { if (! key.includes('.')) continue; const keys = key.split('.'); let cursor = config; for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { if (i === keys.length - 1) { cursor[keys[i]] = value; } else { cursor[keys[i]] = cursor[keys[i]] || {}; cursor = cursor[keys[i]]; } } delete config[key]; } // Cast boolean options (on, true, 1) (off, false, 0) for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(config)) { if (typeof value !== "string") continue; if (["on", "true", "1"].includes(value)) { config[key] = true; } else if (["off", "false", "0"].includes(value)) { config[key] = false; } } if (! config['knex']) { config.knex = { client: 'sqlite', connection: { filename: path.join(config.dbDir, 'data.sqlite') }, useNullAsDefault: true }; } // Make sure migration settings are always present in knex config Object.assign(config['knex'], { migrations: { directory: path.join(config.dbDir, 'migrations') } }); // Make sure mainGuildId is internally always an array if (! Array.isArray(config['mainGuildId'])) { config['mainGuildId'] = [config['mainGuildId']]; } // Make sure inboxServerPermission is always an array if (! Array.isArray(config['inboxServerPermission'])) { if (config['inboxServerPermission'] == null) { config['inboxServerPermission'] = []; } else { config['inboxServerPermission'] = [config['inboxServerPermission']]; } } // Move greetingMessage/greetingAttachment to the guildGreetings object internally // Or, in other words, if greetingMessage and/or greetingAttachment is set, it is applied for all servers that don't // already have something set up in guildGreetings. This retains backwards compatibility while allowing you to override // greetings for specific servers in guildGreetings. if (config.greetingMessage || config.greetingAttachment) { for (const guildId of config.mainGuildId) { if (config.guildGreetings[guildId]) continue; config.guildGreetings[guildId] = { message: config.greetingMessage, attachment: config.greetingAttachment }; } } // newThreadCategoryId is syntactic sugar for categoryAutomation.newThread if (config.newThreadCategoryId) { config.categoryAutomation.newThread = config.newThreadCategoryId; delete config.newThreadCategoryId; } // Turn empty string options to null (i.e. "option=" without a value in config.ini) for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(config)) { if (value === '') { config[key] = null; } } // Validate config and assign defaults (if missing) const ajv = new Ajv({ useDefaults: true, coerceTypes: "array" }); const validate = ajv.compile(schema); const configIsValid = validate(config); if (! configIsValid) { console.error('Issues with configuration options:'); for (const error of validate.errors) { console.error(`The "${error.dataPath.slice(1)}" option ${error.message}`); } console.error(''); console.error('Please restart the bot after fixing the issues mentioned above.'); process.exit(1); } console.log("Configuration ok!"); module.exports = config;