const moment = require("moment"); const threads = require("../data/threads"); const utils = require("../utils"); const config = require("../cfg"); const {THREAD_STATUS} = require("../data/constants"); module.exports = ({ bot, knex, config, commands }) => { // Check for threads that are scheduled to be suspended and suspend them async function applyScheduledSuspensions() { const threadsToBeSuspended = await threads.getThreadsThatShouldBeSuspended(); for (const thread of threadsToBeSuspended) { if (thread.status === THREAD_STATUS.OPEN) { await thread.suspend(); await thread.postSystemMessage(`**Thread suspended** as scheduled by ${thread.scheduled_suspend_name}. This thread will act as closed until unsuspended with \`!unsuspend\``); } } } async function scheduledSuspendLoop() { try { await applyScheduledSuspensions(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } setTimeout(scheduledSuspendLoop, 2000); } scheduledSuspendLoop(); commands.addInboxThreadCommand("suspend cancel", [], async (msg, args, thread) => { // Cancel timed suspend if (thread.scheduled_suspend_at) { await thread.cancelScheduledSuspend(); thread.postSystemMessage("Cancelled scheduled suspension"); } else { thread.postSystemMessage("Thread is not scheduled to be suspended"); } }); commands.addInboxThreadCommand("suspend", "[delay:delay]", async (msg, args, thread) => { if (args.delay) { const suspendAt = moment.utc().add(args.delay, "ms"); await thread.scheduleSuspend(suspendAt.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"),; thread.postSystemMessage(`Thread will be suspended in ${utils.humanizeDelay(args.delay)}. Use \`${config.prefix}suspend cancel\` to cancel.`); return; } await thread.suspend(); thread.postSystemMessage("**Thread suspended!** This thread will act as closed until unsuspended with `!unsuspend`"); }); commands.addInboxServerCommand("unsuspend", [], async (msg, args, thread) => { if (thread) { thread.postSystemMessage("Thread is not suspended"); return; } thread = await threads.findSuspendedThreadByChannelId(; if (! thread) {"Not in a thread"); return; } const otherOpenThread = await threads.findOpenThreadByUserId(thread.user_id); if (otherOpenThread) { thread.postSystemMessage(`Cannot unsuspend; there is another open thread with this user: <#${otherOpenThread.channel_id}>`); return; } await thread.unsuspend(); thread.postSystemMessage("**Thread unsuspended!**"); }); };