const Eris = require('eris'); const moment = require('moment'); const publicIp = require('public-ip'); const config = require('../config'); const utils = require('./utils'); let inboxGuild = null; let mainGuild = null; let logChannel = null; function getInboxGuild(bot) { if (! inboxGuild) inboxGuild = bot.guilds.find(g => === config.mailGuildId); return inboxGuild; } function getMainGuild(bot) { if (! mainGuild) mainGuild = bot.guilds.find(g => === config.mainGuildId); return mainGuild; } function getLogChannel(bot) { const inboxGuild = getInboxGuild(bot); if (! config.logChannelId) { return inboxGuild.channels.get(; } if (! logChannel) { logChannel = inboxGuild.channels.get(config.logChannelId); } return logChannel; } const userMentionRegex = /^<@\!?([0-9]+?)>$/; /** * Returns the user ID of the user mentioned in str, if any * @param {String} str * @returns {String|null} */ function getUserMention(str) { str = str.trim(); if (str.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) { // User ID return str; } else { let mentionMatch = str.match(userMentionRegex); if (mentionMatch) return mentionMatch[1]; } return null; } /** * Returns the current timestamp in an easily readable form * @param {String|Date|undefined} date * @returns {String} */ function getTimestamp(date) { return moment.utc(date).format('HH:mm'); } /** * Disables link previews in the given string by wrapping links in < > * @param {String} str * @returns {String} */ function disableLinkPreviews(str) { return str.replace(/(^|[^<])(https?:\/\/\S+)/ig, '$1<$2>'); } /** * Returns a URL to the bot's web server * @param {String} path * @returns {String} */ function getSelfUrl(path = '') { if (config.url) { return Promise.resolve(`${config.url}/${path}`); } else { const port = config.port || 8890; return publicIp.v4().then(ip => { return `http://${ip}:${port}/${path}`; }); } } /** * Returns the highest hoisted role of the given member * @param {Eris.Member} member * @returns {Eris.Role} */ function getMainRole(member) { const roles = => member.guild.roles.get(id)); roles.sort((a, b) => a.position > b.position ? -1 : 1); return roles.find(r => r.hoist); } /** * Splits array items into chunks of the specified size * @param {Array} items * @param {Number} chunkSize * @returns {Array} */ function chunk(items, chunkSize) { const result = []; for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i += chunkSize) { result.push(items.slice(i, i + chunkSize)); } return result; } module.exports = { getInboxGuild, getMainGuild, getLogChannel, getUserMention, getTimestamp, disableLinkPreviews, getSelfUrl, getMainRole, chunk, };