let userConfig; try { userConfig = require('../config'); } catch (e) { throw new Error(`Config file could not be found or read! The error given was: ${e.message}`); } const defaultConfig = { "token": null, "mailGuildId": null, "mainGuildId": null, "logChannelId": null, "prefix": "!", "snippetPrefix": "!!", "status": "Message me for help!", "responseMessage": "Thank you for your message! Our mod team will reply to you here as soon as possible.", "inboxServerPermission": null, "alwaysReply": false, "alwaysReplyAnon": false, "useNicknames": false, "ignoreAccidentalThreads": false, "enableGreeting": false, "greetingMessage": "The message the bot sends to a new user", "greetingAttachment": "Put a file path here", "port": 8890, "url": null }; const finalConfig = Object.assign({}, defaultConfig); for (const [prop, value] of Object.entries(userConfig)) { if (! defaultConfig.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { throw new Error(`Invalid option: ${prop}`); } finalConfig[prop] = value; } if (! finalConfig.token) throw new Error('Missing token!'); if (! finalConfig.mailGuildId) throw new Error('Missing mailGuildId (inbox server id)!'); if (! finalConfig.mainGuildId) throw new Error('Missing mainGuildId!'); module.exports = finalConfig;