const json5 = require('json5'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); let userConfig; // Try to find our config file from several options const configFiles = [ 'config.json', 'config.json5', 'config.json.json', 'config.json.txt' ]; let foundConfigFile; for (const configFile of configFiles) { try { fs.accessSync(__dirname + '/../' + configFile); foundConfigFile = configFile; break; } catch (e) {} } if (! foundConfigFile) { throw new Error(`Could not find config.json!`); } // Parse the config using JSON5 try { const raw = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../' + foundConfigFile); userConfig = json5.parse(raw); } catch (e) { throw new Error(`Error reading config file! The error given was: ${e.message}`); } const defaultConfig = { "token": null, "mailGuildId": null, "mainGuildId": null, "logChannelId": null, "prefix": "!", "snippetPrefix": "!!", "status": "Message me for help!", "responseMessage": "Thank you for your message! Our mod team will reply to you here as soon as possible.", "closeMessage": null, "newThreadCategoryId": null, "mentionRole": "here", "pingOnBotMention": true, "inboxServerPermission": null, "alwaysReply": false, "alwaysReplyAnon": false, "useNicknames": false, "ignoreAccidentalThreads": false, "threadTimestamps": false, "allowMove": false, "typingProxy": false, "typingProxyReverse": false, "enableGreeting": false, "greetingMessage": null, "greetingAttachment": null, "requiredAccountAge": null, // In hours "accountAgeDeniedMessage": "Your Discord account is not old enough to contact modmail.", "relaySmallAttachmentsAsAttachments": false, "port": 8890, "url": null, "dbDir": path.join(__dirname, '..', 'db'), "knex": null, "logDir": path.join(__dirname, '..', 'logs'), }; const required = ['token', 'mailGuildId', 'mainGuildId', 'logChannelId']; const finalConfig = Object.assign({}, defaultConfig); for (const [prop, value] of Object.entries(userConfig)) { if (! defaultConfig.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { throw new Error(`Invalid option: ${prop}`); } finalConfig[prop] = value; } // Default knex config if (! finalConfig['knex']) { finalConfig['knex'] = { client: 'sqlite', connection: { filename: path.join(finalConfig.dbDir, 'data.sqlite') }, useNullAsDefault: true }; } // Make sure migration settings are always present in knex config Object.assign(finalConfig['knex'], { migrations: { directory: path.join(finalConfig.dbDir, 'migrations') } }); // Make sure all of the required config options are present for (const opt of required) { if (! finalConfig[opt]) { console.error(`Missing required config.json value: ${opt}`); process.exit(1); } } // Make sure mainGuildId is internally always an array if (! Array.isArray(finalConfig['mainGuildId'])) { finalConfig['mainGuildId'] = [finalConfig['mainGuildId']]; } module.exports = finalConfig;