const fs = require('fs'); const http = require('http'); const https = require('https'); const url = require('url'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const publicIp = require('public-ip'); const Eris = require('eris'); const moment = require('moment'); const mime = require('mime'); const Queue = require('./queue'); const config = require('./config'); const logServerPort = config.port || 8890; const bot = new Eris.CommandClient(config.token, {}, { prefix: config.prefix || '!', ignoreSelf: true, ignoreBots: true, defaultHelpCommand: false, }); let modMailGuild; const modMailChannels = {}; const messageQueue = new Queue(); const blockFile = `${__dirname}/blocked.json`; let blocked = []; const logDir = `${__dirname}/logs`; const logFileFormatRegex = /^([0-9\-]+?)__([0-9]+?)__([0-9a-f]+?)\.txt$/; const userMentionRegex = /^<@\!?([0-9]+?)>$/; const attachmentDir = `${__dirname}/attachments`; try { const blockedJSON = fs.readFileSync(blockFile, {encoding: 'utf8'}); blocked = JSON.parse(blockedJSON); } catch(e) { fs.writeFileSync(blockFile, '[]'); } function saveBlocked() { fs.writeFileSync(blockFile, JSON.stringify(blocked, null, 4)); } /* * MODMAIL LOG UTILITY FUNCTIONS */ function getLogFileInfo(logfile) { const match = logfile.match(logFileFormatRegex); if (! match) return null; const date = moment.utc(match[1], 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-ss').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'); return { filename: logfile, date: date, userId: match[2], token: match[3], }; } function getLogFilePath(logfile) { return `${logDir}/${logfile}`; } function getLogFileUrl(logfile) { const info = getLogFileInfo(logfile); return publicIp.v4().then(ip => { return `http://${ip}:${logServerPort}/logs/${info.token}`; }); } function getRandomLogFile(userId) { return new Promise(resolve => { crypto.randomBytes(16, (err, buf) => { const token = buf.toString('hex'); const date = moment.utc().format('YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-ss'); resolve(`${date}__${userId}__${token}.txt`); }); }); } function findLogFile(token) { return new Promise(resolve => { fs.readdir(logDir, (err, files) => { for (const file of files) { if (file.endsWith(`__${token}.txt`)) { resolve(file); return; } } resolve(null); }); }); } function getLogsByUserId(userId) { return new Promise(resolve => { fs.readdir(logDir, (err, files) => { const logfileInfos = files .map(file => getLogFileInfo(file)) .filter(info => info && info.userId === userId); resolve(logfileInfos); }); }); } function getLogsWithUrlByUserId(userId) { return getLogsByUserId(userId).then(infos => { const urlPromises = => { return getLogFileUrl(info.filename).then(url => { info.url = url; return info; }); }); return Promise.all(urlPromises).then(infos => { infos.sort((a, b) => { if ( > return 1; if ( < return -1; return 0; }); return infos; }); }); } /* * Attachments */ function getAttachmentPath(id) { return `${attachmentDir}/${id}`; } function saveAttachment(attachment, tries = 0) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (tries > 3) { console.error('Attachment download failed after 3 tries:', attachment); reject('Attachment download failed after 3 tries'); return; } const filepath = getAttachmentPath(; const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(filepath); https.get(attachment.url, (res) => { res.pipe(writeStream); writeStream.on('finish', () => { writeStream.close() resolve(); }); }).on('error', (err) => { fs.unlink(filepath); console.error('Error downloading attachment, retrying'); resolve(saveAttachment(attachment)); }); }); } function saveAttachments(msg) { if (! msg.attachments || msg.attachments.length === 0) return Promise.resolve(); return Promise.all(; } function getAttachmentUrl(id, desiredName) { if (desiredName == null) desiredName = 'file.bin'; return publicIp.v4().then(ip => { return `http://${ip}:${logServerPort}/attachments/${id}/${desiredName}`; }); } /* * MAIN FUNCTIONALITY */ bot.on('ready', () => { modMailGuild = bot.guilds.find(g => === config.mailGuildId); if (! modMailGuild) { console.error('You need to set and invite me to the mod mail guild first!'); process.exit(0); } bot.editStatus(null, {name: config.status || 'Message me for help'}); console.log('Bot started, listening to DMs'); }); function getModmailChannelInfo(channel) { if (! channel.topic) return null; const match = channel.topic.match(/^MODMAIL\|([0-9]+)\|(.*)$/); if (! match) return null; return { userId: match[1], name: match[2], }; } function getModmailChannel(user, allowCreate = true) { if (modMailChannels[]) { // Cached const channel = modMailGuild.channels.get(modMailChannels[]); if (channel) { return Promise.resolve(channel); } else { // If the cache value was invalid, remove it delete modMailChannels[]; } } // Try to find a matching channel let candidate = modMailGuild.channels.find(c => { const info = getModmailChannelInfo(c); console.log(`testing ${info.userId} === ${}`); return info && info.userId ===; }); if (candidate) { return Promise.resolve(candidate); } else { if (! allowCreate) return Promise.resolve(null); let cleanName = user.username.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/ig, '').toLowerCase().trim(); if (cleanName === '') cleanName = 'unknown'; // If one is not found, create and cache it return modMailGuild.createChannel(`${cleanName}-${user.discriminator}`) .then(channel => { // This is behind a timeout because Discord was telling me the channel didn't exist after creation even though it clearly did // ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ return new Promise(resolve => { const topic = `MODMAIL|${}|${user.username}#${user.discriminator}`; setTimeout(() => resolve(channel.edit({topic: topic})), 200); }); }, err => { console.error(`Error creating modmail channel for ${user.username}#${user.discriminator}!`); }) .then(channel => { modMailChannels[] =; channel._wasCreated = true; return channel; }); } } function formatAttachment(attachment) { let filesize = attachment.size || 0; filesize /= 1024; return getAttachmentUrl(, attachment.filename).then(attachmentUrl => { return `**Attachment:** ${attachment.filename} (${filesize.toFixed(1)}KB)\n${attachmentUrl}`; }); } function formatRelayedPM(msg) { let content = msg.content; // Get a local URL for all attachments so we don't rely on discord's servers (which delete attachments when the channel/DM thread is deleted) const attachmentFormatPromise =; return Promise.all(attachmentFormatPromise).then(formattedAttachments => { formattedAttachments.forEach(str => { content += `\n\n${str}`; }); return content; }); } function getTimestamp(date) { return moment.utc(date).format('HH:mm'); } // When we get a private message, create a modmail channel or reuse an existing one. // If the channel was not reused, assume it's a new modmail thread and send the user an introduction message. bot.on('messageCreate', (msg) => { if (! ( instanceof Eris.PrivateChannel)) return; if ( === return; if (blocked.indexOf( !== -1) return; saveAttachments(msg); // This needs to be queued, as otherwise if a user sent a bunch of messages initially and the createChannel endpoint is delayed, we might get duplicate channels messageQueue.add(() => { return getModmailChannel( => { return formatRelayedPM(msg).then(content => { // Get previous modmail logs for this user // Show a note of them at the beginning of the thread for reference return getLogsByUserId( => { if (channel._wasCreated) { if (logs.length > 0) { channel.createMessage(`${logs.length} previous modmail logs with this user. Use !logs ${} for details.`); } let creationNotificationMessage = `New modmail thread: ${channel.mention}`; if (config.pingCreationNotification) creationNotificationMessage = `@here ${creationNotificationMessage}`; bot.createMessage(, { content: creationNotificationMessage, disableEveryone: false, });"Thank you for your message! Our mod team will reply to you here as soon as possible.").then(null, (err) => { bot.createMessage(, { content: `There is an issue sending messages to ${}#${} (id ${}); consider messaging manually` }); }); } const timestamp = getTimestamp(); channel.createMessage(`[${timestamp}] « **${}#${}:** ${content}`); }); // getLogsByUserId }); // formatRelayedPM }); // getModmailChannel }); // messageQueue.add }); // Edits in PMs bot.on('messageUpdate', (msg, oldMessage) => { if (! ( instanceof Eris.PrivateChannel)) return; if ( === return; if (blocked.indexOf( !== -1) return; let oldContent = oldMessage.content; const newContent = msg.content; if (oldContent == null) oldContent = '*Unavailable due to bot restart*'; getModmailChannel(, false).then(channel => { if (! channel) return; channel.createMessage(`**The user edited their message:**\n**Before:** ${oldContent}\n**After:** ${newContent}`); }); }); // "Bot was mentioned in #general-discussion" bot.on('messageCreate', msg => { if ( === return; if (blocked.indexOf( !== -1) return; if (msg.mentions.some(user => === { bot.createMessage(, { content: `@here Bot mentioned in ${} by **${}#${}**: "${msg.cleanContent}"`, disableEveryone: false, }); } }); // Mods can reply to modmail threads using !r or !reply // These messages get relayed back to the DM thread between the bot and the user // Attachments are shown as URLs bot.registerCommand('reply', (msg, args) => { if ( !== return; if (! msg.member.permission.has('manageRoles')) return; const channelInfo = getModmailChannelInfo(; if (! channelInfo) return; saveAttachments(msg).then(() => { bot.getDMChannel(channelInfo.userId).then(dmChannel => { const roleId = msg.member.roles[0]; const role = (roleId ? (modMailGuild.roles.get(roleId) || {}).name : ''); const roleStr = (role ? `(${role}) ` : ''); let argMsg = args.join(' ').trim(); let content = `**${roleStr}${}:** ${argMsg}`; const sendMessage = (file, attachmentUrl) => { dmChannel.createMessage(content, file).then(() => { if (attachmentUrl) content += `\n\n**Attachment:** ${attachmentUrl}`; const timestamp = getTimestamp();`[${timestamp}] » ${content}`); }, (err) => { if (err.resp && err.resp.statusCode === 403) {`Could not send reply; the user has likely blocked the bot`); } else if (err.resp) {`Could not send reply; error code ${err.resp.statusCode}`); } else {`Could not send reply: ${err.toString()}`); } }); msg.delete(); }; if (msg.attachments.length > 0) { fs.readFile(getAttachmentPath(msg.attachments[0].id), (err, data) => { const file = {file: data, name: msg.attachments[0].filename}; getAttachmentUrl(msg.attachments[0].id, msg.attachments[0].filename).then(attachmentUrl => { sendMessage(file, attachmentUrl); }); }); } else { sendMessage(); } }); }); }); bot.registerCommandAlias('r', 'reply'); bot.registerCommand('close', (msg, args) => { if ( !== return; if (! msg.member.permission.has('manageRoles')) return; const channelInfo = getModmailChannelInfo(; if (! channelInfo) return;'Saving logs and closing channel...'); => { const log = messages.reverse().map(message => { const date = moment.utc(message.timestamp, 'x').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'); return `[${date}] ${}#${}: ${message.content}`; }).join('\n') + '\n'; getRandomLogFile(channelInfo.userId).then(logfile => { fs.writeFile(getLogFilePath(logfile), log, {encoding: 'utf8'}, err => { getLogFileUrl(logfile).then(logurl => { const closeMessage = `Modmail thread with ${} (${channelInfo.userId}) was closed by ${} Logs: <${logurl}>`; bot.createMessage(, closeMessage); delete modMailChannels[channelInfo.userId];; }); }); }) }); }); bot.registerCommand('block', (msg, args) => { if ( !== return; if (! msg.member.permission.has('manageRoles')) return; let userId; if (args[0]) { if (args[0].match(/^[0-9]+$/)) { userId = args[0]; } else { let mentionMatch = args[0].match(userMentionRegex); if (mentionMatch) userId = mentionMatch[1]; } } else { const modmailChannelInfo = getModmailChannelInfo(; if (modmailChannelInfo) userId = modmailChannelInfo.userId; } if (! userId) return; blocked.push(userId); saveBlocked();`Blocked <@${userId}> (id ${userId}) from modmail`); }); bot.registerCommand('unblock', (msg, args) => { if ( !== return; if (! msg.member.permission.has('manageRoles')) return; let userId; if (args[0]) { if (args[0].match(/^[0-9]+$/)) { userId = args[0]; } else { let mentionMatch = args[0].match(userMentionRegex); if (mentionMatch) userId = mentionMatch[1]; } } else { const modmailChannelInfo = getModmailChannelInfo(; if (modmailChannelInfo) userId = modmailChannelInfo.userId; } if (! userId) return; blocked.splice(blocked.indexOf(userId), 1); saveBlocked();`Unblocked <@${userId}> (id ${userId}) from modmail`); }); bot.registerCommand('logs', (msg, args) => { if ( !== return; if (! msg.member.permission.has('manageRoles')) return; let userId; if (args[0]) { if (args[0].match(/^[0-9]+$/)) { userId = args[0]; } else { let mentionMatch = args[0].match(userMentionRegex); if (mentionMatch) userId = mentionMatch[1]; } } else { const modmailChannelInfo = getModmailChannelInfo(; if (modmailChannelInfo) userId = modmailChannelInfo.userId; } if (! userId) return; getLogsWithUrlByUserId(userId).then(infos => { let message = `**Log files for <@${userId}>:**\n`; message += => { const formattedDate = moment.utc(, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss').format('MMM Do [at] HH:mm [UTC]'); return `\`${formattedDate}\`: <${info.url}>`; }).join('\n');; }); }); bot.connect(); /* * MODMAIL LOG SERVER */ function serveLogs(res, pathParts) { const token = pathParts[pathParts.length - 1]; if (token.match(/^[0-9a-f]+$/) === null) return res.end(); findLogFile(token).then(logfile => { if (logfile === null) return res.end(); fs.readFile(getLogFilePath(logfile), {encoding: 'utf8'}, (err, data) => { if (err) { res.statusCode = 404; res.end('Log not found'); return; } res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain'); res.end(data); }); }); } function serveAttachments(res, pathParts) { const desiredFilename = pathParts[pathParts.length - 1]; const id = pathParts[pathParts.length - 2]; if (id.match(/^[0-9]+$/) === null) return res.end(); if (desiredFilename.match(/^[0-9a-z\._-]+$/i) === null) return res.end(); const attachmentPath = getAttachmentPath(id); fs.access(attachmentPath, (err) => { if (err) { res.statusCode = 404; res.end('Attachment not found'); return; } const filenameParts = desiredFilename.split('.'); const ext = (filenameParts.length > 1 ? filenameParts[filenameParts.length - 1] : 'bin'); const fileMime = mime.lookup(ext); res.setHeader('Content-Type', fileMime); const read = fs.createReadStream(attachmentPath); read.pipe(res); }) } const server = http.createServer((req, res) => { const parsedUrl = url.parse(`http://${req.url}`); const pathParts = parsedUrl.path.split('/').filter(v => v !== ''); if (parsedUrl.path.startsWith('/logs/')) serveLogs(res, pathParts); if (parsedUrl.path.startsWith('/attachments/')) serveAttachments(res, pathParts); }); server.listen(logServerPort);