const attachments = require("./data/attachments"); const logs = require("./data/logs"); const { beforeNewThread } = require("./hooks/beforeNewThread"); const { afterThreadClose } = require("./hooks/afterThreadClose"); const formats = require("./formatters"); const { server: webserver } = require("./modules/webserver"); const childProcess = require("child_process"); const pacote = require("pacote"); const path = require("path"); const threads = require("./data/threads"); const displayRoles = require("./data/displayRoles"); const pluginSources = { npm: { install(plugins) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { console.log(`Installing ${plugins.length} plugins from NPM...`); let stderr = ""; const npmProcessName = /^win/.test(process.platform) ? "npm.cmd" : "npm"; const npmProcess = childProcess.spawn( npmProcessName, ["install", "--verbose", "--no-save", ...plugins], { cwd: process.cwd() } ); npmProcess.stderr.on("data", data => { stderr += String(data) }); npmProcess.on("close", code => { if (code !== 0) { return reject(new Error(stderr)); } return resolve(); }); }); }, async load(plugin, pluginApi) { const manifest = await pacote.manifest(plugin); const packageName =; const pluginFn = require(packageName); if (typeof pluginFn !== "function") { throw new Error(`Plugin '${plugin}' is not a valid plugin`); } return pluginFn(pluginApi); }, }, file: { install(plugins) {}, load(plugin, pluginApi) { const requirePath = path.join(__dirname, "..", plugin); const pluginFn = require(requirePath); if (typeof pluginFn !== "function") { throw new Error(`Plugin '${plugin}' is not a valid plugin`); } return pluginFn(pluginApi); }, } }; const defaultPluginSource = "file"; function splitPluginSource(pluginName) { for (const pluginSource of Object.keys(pluginSources)) { if (pluginName.startsWith(`${pluginSource}:`)) { return { source: pluginSource, plugin: pluginName.slice(pluginSource.length + 1), }; } } return { source: defaultPluginSource, plugin: pluginName, }; } module.exports = { async installPlugins(plugins) { const pluginsBySource = {}; for (const pluginName of plugins) { const { source, plugin } = splitPluginSource(pluginName); pluginsBySource[source] = pluginsBySource[source] || []; pluginsBySource[source].push(plugin); } for (const [source, sourcePlugins] of Object.entries(pluginsBySource)) { await pluginSources[source].install(sourcePlugins); } }, async loadPlugins(plugins, pluginApi) { for (const pluginName of plugins) { const { source, plugin } = splitPluginSource(pluginName); await pluginSources[source].load(plugin, pluginApi); } }, /** * @param bot * @param knex * @param config * @param commands * @returns {PluginAPI} */ getPluginAPI({ bot, knex, config, commands }) { return { bot, knex, config, commands: { manager: commands.manager, addGlobalCommand: commands.addGlobalCommand, addInboxServerCommand: commands.addInboxServerCommand, addInboxThreadCommand: commands.addInboxThreadCommand, addAlias: commands.addAlias }, attachments: { addStorageType: attachments.addStorageType, downloadAttachment: attachments.downloadAttachment, saveAttachment: attachments.saveAttachment, }, logs: { addStorageType: logs.addStorageType, saveLogToStorage: logs.saveLogToStorage, getLogUrl: logs.getLogUrl, getLogFile: logs.getLogFile, getLogCustomResponse: logs.getLogCustomResponse, }, hooks: { beforeNewThread, afterThreadClose, }, formats, webserver, threads, displayRoles, }; }, };