const threadUtils = require('../threadUtils'); const blocked = require("../data/blocked"); const utils = require("../utils"); module.exports = bot => { const addInboxServerCommand = (...args) => threadUtils.addInboxServerCommand(bot, ...args); addInboxServerCommand('block', (msg, args, thread) => { async function block(userId) { const user = bot.users.get(userId); await blocked.block(userId, (user ? `${user.username}#${user.discriminator}` : ''),;`Blocked <@${userId}> (id ${userId}) from modmail`); } if (args.length > 0) { // User mention/id as argument const userId = utils.getUserMention(args.join(' ')); if (! userId) return; block(userId); } else if (thread) { // Calling !block without args in a modmail thread blocks the user of that thread block(thread.user_id); } }); addInboxServerCommand('unblock', (msg, args, thread) => { async function unblock(userId) { await blocked.unblock(userId);`Unblocked <@${userId}> (id ${userId}) from modmail`); } if (args.length > 0) { // User mention/id as argument const userId = utils.getUserMention(args.join(' ')); if (! userId) return; unblock(userId); } else if (thread) { // Calling !unblock without args in a modmail thread unblocks the user of that thread unblock(thread.user_id); } }); };