const Eris = require("eris"); const utils = require("./utils"); const config = require("./cfg"); const ThreadMessage = require("./data/ThreadMessage"); const {THREAD_MESSAGE_TYPE} = require("./data/constants"); const moment = require("moment"); /** * Function to format the DM that is sent to the user when a staff member replies to them via !reply * @callback FormatStaffReplyDM * @param {ThreadMessage} threadMessage * @return {Eris.MessageContent} Message content to send as a DM */ /** * Function to format a staff reply in a thread channel * @callback FormatStaffReplyThreadMessage * @param {ThreadMessage} threadMessage * @return {Eris.MessageContent} Message content to post in the thread channel */ /** * Function to format a user reply in a thread channel * @callback FormatUserReplyThreadMessage * @param {ThreadMessage} threadMessage * @return {Eris.MessageContent} Message content to post in the thread channel */ /** * Function to format the inbox channel notification for a staff reply edit * @callback FormatStaffReplyEditNotificationThreadMessage * @param {ThreadMessage} threadMessage * @return {Eris.MessageContent} Message content to post in the thread channel */ /** * Function to format the inbox channel notification for a staff reply deletion * @callback FormatStaffReplyDeletionNotificationThreadMessage * @param {ThreadMessage} threadMessage * @return {Eris.MessageContent} Message content to post in the thread channel */ /** * Function to format a system message in a thread channel * @callback FormatSystemThreadMessage * @param {ThreadMessage} threadMessage * @return {Eris.MessageContent} Message content to post in the thread channel */ /** * Function to format a system message sent to the user in a thread channel * @callback FormatSystemToUserThreadMessage * @param {ThreadMessage} threadMessage * @return {Eris.MessageContent} Message content to post in the thread channel */ /** * Function to format the DM that is sent to the user when the bot sends a system message to the user * @callback FormatSystemToUserDM * @param {ThreadMessage} threadMessage * @return {Eris.MessageContent} Message content to send as a DM */ /** * @typedef {Object} FormatLogOptions * @property {Boolean?} simple * @property {Boolean?} verbose */ /** * @typedef {Object} FormatLogResult * @property {String} content Contents of the entire log * @property {*?} extra */ /** * Function to format the inbox channel notification for a staff reply deletion * @callback FormatLog * @param {Thread} thread * @param {ThreadMessage[]} threadMessages * @param {FormatLogOptions={}} opts * @return {FormatLogResult} */ /** * @typedef MessageFormatters * @property {FormatStaffReplyDM} formatStaffReplyDM * @property {FormatStaffReplyThreadMessage} formatStaffReplyThreadMessage * @property {FormatUserReplyThreadMessage} formatUserReplyThreadMessage * @property {FormatStaffReplyEditNotificationThreadMessage} formatStaffReplyEditNotificationThreadMessage * @property {FormatStaffReplyDeletionNotificationThreadMessage} formatStaffReplyDeletionNotificationThreadMessage * @property {FormatSystemThreadMessage} formatSystemThreadMessage * @property {FormatSystemToUserThreadMessage} formatSystemToUserThreadMessage * @property {FormatSystemToUserDM} formatSystemToUserDM * @property {FormatLog} formatLog */ /** * @type {MessageFormatters} */ const defaultFormatters = { formatStaffReplyDM(threadMessage) { const roleName = threadMessage.role_name || config.fallbackRoleName; const modInfo = threadMessage.is_anonymous ? roleName : (roleName ? `(${roleName}) ${threadMessage.user_name}` : threadMessage.user_name); return modInfo ? `**${modInfo}:** ${threadMessage.body}` : threadMessage.body; }, formatStaffReplyThreadMessage(threadMessage) { const roleName = threadMessage.role_name || config.fallbackRoleName; const modInfo = threadMessage.is_anonymous ? (roleName ? `(Anonymous) (${threadMessage.user_name}) ${roleName}` : `(Anonymous) (${threadMessage.user_name})`) : (roleName ? `(${roleName}) ${threadMessage.user_name}` : threadMessage.user_name); let result = modInfo ? `**${modInfo}:** ${threadMessage.body}` : threadMessage.body; if (config.threadTimestamps) { const formattedTimestamp = utils.getTimestamp(threadMessage.created_at); result = `[${formattedTimestamp}] ${result}`; } result = `\`${threadMessage.message_number}\` ${result}`; return result; }, formatUserReplyThreadMessage(threadMessage) { let result = `**${threadMessage.user_name}:** ${threadMessage.body}`; for (const link of threadMessage.attachments) { result += `\n\n${link}`; } if (config.threadTimestamps) { const formattedTimestamp = utils.getTimestamp(threadMessage.created_at); result = `[${formattedTimestamp}] ${result}`; } return result; }, formatStaffReplyEditNotificationThreadMessage(threadMessage) { const originalThreadMessage = threadMessage.getMetadataValue("originalThreadMessage"); const newBody = threadMessage.getMetadataValue("newBody"); let content = `**${originalThreadMessage.user_name}** (\`${originalThreadMessage.user_id}\`) edited reply \`${originalThreadMessage.message_number}\``; if (originalThreadMessage.body.length < 200 && newBody.length < 200) { // Show edits of small messages inline content += ` from \`${utils.disableInlineCode(originalThreadMessage.body)}\` to \`${newBody}\``; } else { // Show edits of long messages in two code blocks content += ":"; content += `\n\nBefore:\n\`\`\`${utils.disableCodeBlocks(originalThreadMessage.body)}\`\`\``; content += `\nAfter:\n\`\`\`${utils.disableCodeBlocks(newBody)}\`\`\``; } return content; }, formatStaffReplyDeletionNotificationThreadMessage(threadMessage) { const originalThreadMessage = threadMessage.getMetadataValue("originalThreadMessage"); let content = `**${originalThreadMessage.user_name}** (\`${originalThreadMessage.user_id}\`) deleted reply \`${originalThreadMessage.message_number}\``; if (originalThreadMessage.body.length < 200) { // Show the original content of deleted small messages inline content += ` (message content: \`${utils.disableInlineCode(originalThreadMessage.body)}\`)`; } else { // Show the original content of deleted large messages in a code block content += ":\n```" + utils.disableCodeBlocks(originalThreadMessage.body) + "```"; } return content; }, formatSystemThreadMessage(threadMessage) { let result = threadMessage.body; for (const link of threadMessage.attachments) { result += `\n\n${link}`; } return result; }, formatSystemToUserThreadMessage(threadMessage) { let result = `**[SYSTEM TO USER]** ${threadMessage.body}`; for (const link of threadMessage.attachments) { result += `\n\n${link}`; } return result; }, formatSystemToUserDM(threadMessage) { let result = threadMessage.body; for (const link of threadMessage.attachments) { result += `\n\n${link}`; } return result; }, formatLog(thread, threadMessages, opts = {}) { if (opts.simple) { threadMessages = threadMessages.filter(message => { return ( message.message_type !== THREAD_MESSAGE_TYPE.SYSTEM && message.message_type !== THREAD_MESSAGE_TYPE.SYSTEM_TO_USER && message.message_type !== THREAD_MESSAGE_TYPE.CHAT && message.message_type !== THREAD_MESSAGE_TYPE.COMMAND ); }); } const lines = => { // Legacy messages (from 2018) are the entire log in one message, so just serve them as they are if (message.message_type === THREAD_MESSAGE_TYPE.LEGACY) { return message.body; } let line = `[${moment.utc(message.created_at).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss")}]`; if (opts.verbose) { if (message.dm_channel_id) { line += ` [DM CHA ${message.dm_channel_id}]`; } if (message.dm_message_id) { line += ` [DM MSG ${message.dm_message_id}]`; } } if (message.message_type === THREAD_MESSAGE_TYPE.FROM_USER) { line += ` [FROM USER] [${message.user_name}] ${message.body}`; } else if (message.message_type === THREAD_MESSAGE_TYPE.TO_USER) { if (opts.verbose) { line += ` [TO USER] [${message.message_number || "0"}] [${message.user_name}]`; } else { line += ` [TO USER] [${message.user_name}]`; } if (message.use_legacy_format) { // Legacy format (from pre-2.31.0) includes the role and username in the message body, so serve that as is line += ` ${message.body}`; } else if (message.is_anonymous) { if (message.role_name) { line += ` (Anonymous) ${message.role_name}: ${message.body}`; } else { line += ` (Anonymous) Moderator: ${message.body}`; } } else { if (message.role_name) { line += ` (${message.role_name}) ${message.user_name}: ${message.body}`; } else { line += ` ${message.user_name}: ${message.body}`; } } } else if (message.message_type === THREAD_MESSAGE_TYPE.SYSTEM) { line += ` [SYSTEM] ${message.body}`; } else if (message.message_type === THREAD_MESSAGE_TYPE.SYSTEM_TO_USER) { line += ` [SYSTEM TO USER] ${message.body}`; } else if (message.message_type === THREAD_MESSAGE_TYPE.CHAT) { line += ` [CHAT] [${message.user_name}] ${message.body}`; } else if (message.message_type === THREAD_MESSAGE_TYPE.COMMAND) { line += ` [COMMAND] [${message.user_name}] ${message.body}`; } else if (message.message_type === THREAD_MESSAGE_TYPE.REPLY_EDITED) { const originalThreadMessage = message.getMetadataValue("originalThreadMessage"); line += ` [REPLY EDITED] ${originalThreadMessage.user_name} edited reply ${originalThreadMessage.message_number}:`; line += `\n\nBefore:\n${originalThreadMessage.body}`; line += `\n\nAfter:\n${message.getMetadataValue("newBody")}`; } else if (message.message_type === THREAD_MESSAGE_TYPE.REPLY_DELETED) { const originalThreadMessage = message.getMetadataValue("originalThreadMessage"); line += ` [REPLY DELETED] ${originalThreadMessage.user_name} deleted reply ${originalThreadMessage.message_number}:`; line += `\n\n${originalThreadMessage.body}`; } else { line += ` [${message.user_name}] ${message.body}`; } return line; }); const openedAt = moment(thread.created_at).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"); const header = `# Modmail thread with ${thread.user_name} (${thread.user_id}) started at ${openedAt}. All times are in UTC+0.`; const fullResult = header + "\n\n" + lines.join("\n"); return { content: fullResult, }; }, }; /** * @type {MessageFormatters} */ const formatters = { ...defaultFormatters }; /** * @typedef {object} FormattersExport * @property {MessageFormatters} formatters Read only * @property {function(FormatStaffReplyDM): void} setStaffReplyDMFormatter * @property {function(FormatStaffReplyThreadMessage): void} setStaffReplyThreadMessageFormatter * @property {function(FormatUserReplyThreadMessage): void} setUserReplyThreadMessageFormatter * @property {function(FormatStaffReplyEditNotificationThreadMessage): void} setStaffReplyEditNotificationThreadMessageFormatter * @property {function(FormatStaffReplyDeletionNotificationThreadMessage): void} setStaffReplyDeletionNotificationThreadMessageFormatter * @property {function(FormatSystemThreadMessage): void} setSystemThreadMessageFormatter * @property {function(FormatSystemToUserThreadMessage): void} setSystemToUserThreadMessageFormatter * @property {function(FormatSystemToUserDM): void} setSystemToUserDMFormatter * @property {function(FormatLog): void} setLogFormatter */ /** * @type {FormattersExport} */ module.exports = { formatters: new Proxy(formatters, { set() { throw new Error("Please use the formatter setter functions instead of modifying the formatters directly"); }, }), setStaffReplyDMFormatter(fn) { formatters.formatStaffReplyDM = fn; }, setStaffReplyThreadMessageFormatter(fn) { formatters.formatStaffReplyThreadMessage = fn; }, setUserReplyThreadMessageFormatter(fn) { formatters.formatUserReplyThreadMessage = fn; }, setStaffReplyEditNotificationThreadMessageFormatter(fn) { formatters.formatStaffReplyEditNotificationThreadMessage = fn; }, setStaffReplyDeletionNotificationThreadMessageFormatter(fn) { formatters.formatStaffReplyDeletionNotificationThreadMessage = fn; }, setSystemThreadMessageFormatter(fn) { formatters.formatSystemThreadMessage = fn; }, setSystemToUserThreadMessageFormatter(fn) { formatters.formatSystemToUserThreadMessage = fn; }, setSystemToUserDMFormatter(fn) { formatters.formatSystemToUserDM = fn; }, setLogFormatter(fn) { formatters.formatLog = fn; }, };