const humanizeDuration = require('humanize-duration'); const moment = require('moment'); const Eris = require('eris'); const config = require('../config'); const threadUtils = require('../threadUtils'); const utils = require("../utils"); const threads = require("../data/threads"); module.exports = bot => { const addInboxServerCommand = (...args) => threadUtils.addInboxServerCommand(bot, ...args); const humanizeDelay = (delay, opts = {}) => humanizeDuration(delay, Object.assign({conjunction: ' and '}, opts)); // Check for threads that are scheduled to be closed and close them async function applyScheduledCloses() { const threadsToBeClosed = await threads.getThreadsThatShouldBeClosed(); for (const thread of threadsToBeClosed) { if(config.closeMessage) await thread.postToUser(config.closeMessage).catch(() => {}); await thread.close(); const logUrl = await thread.getLogUrl(); utils.postLog(utils.trimAll(` Modmail thread with ${thread.user_name} (${thread.user_id}) was closed as scheduled by ${thread.scheduled_close_name} Logs: ${logUrl} `)); } } async function scheduledCloseLoop() { try { await applyScheduledCloses(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } setTimeout(scheduledCloseLoop, 2000); } scheduledCloseLoop(); // Close a thread. Closing a thread saves a log of the channel's contents and then deletes the channel. addInboxServerCommand('close', async (msg, args, thread) => { if (! thread) return; // Timed close if (args.length) { if (args[0].startsWith('c')) { // Cancel timed close if (thread.scheduled_close_at) { await thread.cancelScheduledClose(); thread.postSystemMessage(`Cancelled scheduled closing`); } return; } // Set a timed close const delay = utils.convertDelayStringToMS(args.join(' ')); if (delay === 0 || delay === null) { thread.postSystemMessage(`Invalid delay specified. Format: "1h30m"`); return; } const closeAt = moment.utc().add(delay, 'ms'); await thread.scheduleClose(closeAt.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'),; thread.postSystemMessage(`Thread is now scheduled to be closed in ${humanizeDelay(delay)}. Use \`${config.prefix}close cancel\` to cancel.`); return; } // Regular close if(config.closeMessage) await thread.postToUser(config.closeMessage).catch(() => {}); await thread.close(); const logUrl = await thread.getLogUrl(); utils.postLog(utils.trimAll(` Modmail thread with ${thread.user_name} (${thread.user_id}) was closed by ${} Logs: ${logUrl} `)); }); // Auto-close threads if their channel is deleted bot.on('channelDelete', async (channel) => { if (! (channel instanceof Eris.TextChannel)) return; if ( !== utils.getInboxGuild().id) return; const thread = await threads.findOpenThreadByChannelId(; if (! thread) return; console.log(`[INFO] Auto-closing thread with ${thread.user_name} because the channel was deleted`); if(config.closeMessage) await thread.postToUser(config.closeMessage).catch(() => {}); await thread.close(true); const logUrl = await thread.getLogUrl(); utils.postLog(utils.trimAll(` Modmail thread with ${thread.user_name} (${thread.user_id}) was closed automatically because the channel was deleted Logs: ${logUrl} `)); }); };