const humanizeDuration = require('humanize-duration'); const moment = require('moment'); const threadUtils = require('../threadUtils'); const blocked = require("../data/blocked"); const utils = require("../utils"); module.exports = bot => { const addInboxServerCommand = (...args) => threadUtils.addInboxServerCommand(bot, ...args); async function removeExpiredBlocks() { const expiredBlocks = await blocked.getExpiredBlocks(); const logChannel = utils.getLogChannel(); for (const userId of expiredBlocks) { await blocked.unblock(userId); logChannel.createMessage(`Block of <@!${userId}> (id \`${userId}\`) expired`); } } async function expiredBlockLoop() { try { removeExpiredBlocks(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } setTimeout(expiredBlockLoop, 2000); } bot.on('ready', expiredBlockLoop); addInboxServerCommand('block', async (msg, args, thread) => { const userIdToBlock = args[0] ? utils.getUserMention(args[0]) : thread && thread.user_id; if (! userIdToBlock) return; const isBlocked = await blocked.isBlocked(userIdToBlock); if (isBlocked) {'User is already blocked'); return; } const expiryTime = args[1] ? utils.convertDelayStringToMS(args[1]) : null; const expiresAt = expiryTime ? moment.utc().add(expiryTime, 'ms').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') : null; const user = bot.users.get(userIdToBlock); await blocked.block(userIdToBlock, (user ? `${user.username}#${user.discriminator}` : ''),, expiresAt); if (expiresAt) { const humanized = humanizeDuration(expiryTime, { largest: 2, round: true });`Blocked <@${userIdToBlock}> (id \`${userIdToBlock}\`) from modmail for ${humanized}`); } else {`Blocked <@${userIdToBlock}> (id \`${userIdToBlock}\`) from modmail indefinitely`); } }); addInboxServerCommand('unblock', async (msg, args, thread) => { const userIdToUnblock = args[0] ? utils.getUserMention(args[0]) : thread && thread.user_id; if (! userIdToUnblock) return; const unblockDelay = args[1] ? utils.convertDelayStringToMS(args[1]) : null; const unblockAt = unblockDelay ? moment.utc().add(unblockDelay, 'ms').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') : null; const user = bot.users.get(userIdToUnblock); if (unblockAt) { const humanized = humanizeDuration(unblockDelay, { largest: 2, round: true }); await blocked.updateExpiryTime(userIdToUnblock, unblockAt);`Scheduled <@${userIdToUnblock}> (id \`${userIdToUnblock}\`) to be unblocked in ${humanized}`); } else { await blocked.unblock(userIdToUnblock);`Unblocked <@${userIdToUnblock}> (id ${userIdToUnblock}) from modmail`); } }); addInboxServerCommand('is_blocked', async (msg, args, thread) => { const userIdToCheck = args[0] ? utils.getUserMention(args[0]) : thread && thread.user_id; if (! userIdToCheck) return; const blockStatus = await blocked.getBlockStatus(userIdToCheck); if (blockStatus.isBlocked) { if (blockStatus.expiresAt) {`<@!${userIdToCheck}> (id \`${userIdToCheck}\`) is blocked until ${blockStatus.expiresAt} (UTC)`); } else {`<@!${userIdToCheck}> (id \`${userIdToCheck}\`) is blocked indefinitely`); } } else {`<@!${userIdToCheck}> (id \`${userIdToCheck}\`) is NOT blocked`); } }); };