`!close <time>` Closes the modmail thread. If a time is specified, the thread is scheduled to be closed later. Scheduled closing is cancelled if a message is sent to or received from the user.
To automatically reply without using !reply or !r, enable `alwaysReply` in the config. `alwaysReplyAnon` sets whether to reply anonymously. If you do not wish to reply, it will ignore any message starting in the prefix (which defaults to !), such as !note
|**token**|None|**Required!** The bot user's token|
|**logChannelId**|None|**Required!** Channel where to post log links to closed threads and other alerts|
|**mailGuildId**|None|**Required!** The inbox server's ID|
|**mainGuildId**|None|**Required!** ID (or array of IDs) of the main server where people contact the bot from. Used for displaying users' nicknames and join dates, and catching bot pings.|
|accountAgeDeniedMessage|"Your Discord account is not old enough to contact modmail."|See `requiredAccountAge` above|
|allowMove|false|If enabled, allows you to move the thread to another category using `!move <category>`|
|allowUserClose|false|If set to true, users can use the close command to close threads by themselves from their DMs with the bot|
|botMentionResponse|None|If set, the bot auto-responds to bot mentions with this message. Allows `{userMention}` to be added to mention the user who mentioned the bot.|
|greetingMessage|None|Text content of the welcome message|
|ignoreAccidentalThreads|false|If set to true, the bot attempts to ignore common "accidental" messages that would start a new thread, such as "ok", "thanks", etc.|
|mentionRole|"here"|Role that is mentioned when new threads are created or the bot is mentioned. Accepted values are "here", "everyone", or a role id as a string. Set to null to disable these pings entirely.|
|mentionUserInThreadHeader|false|If set to true, mentions the thread's user in the thread header|
|pingOnBotMention|true|If enabled, the bot will mention staff (see mentionRole above) on the inbox server when the bot is mentioned on the main server.|
|port|8890|Port from which to serve attachments and logs|
|requiredAccountAge|None|Required account age for contacting modmail (in hours). If the account is not old enough, a new thread will not be created and the bot will reply with `accountAgeDeniedMessage` (if set) instead.|
|responseMessage|"Thank you for your message! Our mod team will reply to you here as soon as possible."|The bot's response to DMs that start a new thread|
|threadTimestamps|false|Whether to show custom timestamps in threads, in addition to Discord's own timestamps. Logs always have accurate timestamps, regardless of this setting.|