* Added `mentionRole` configuration option ([#59](https://github.com/Dragory/modmailbot/pull/59)). This option can be used to set the role that is pinged when new threads are created or the bot is mentioned. See README for more details.
* Added the ability to schedule a thread to close by specifying a time after `!close`, e.g. `!close 1h`. The scheduling is cancelled if a new message is sent to or received from the user.
* If the `typingProxy` config option is enabled, any time a user is typing to modmail in their DMs, the modmail thread will show the bot as "typing"
* If the `typingProxyReverse` config option is enabled, any time a moderator is typing in a modmail thread, the user will see the bot "typing" in their DMs
* Rewrote large parts of the code to be more modular and maintainable. There may be some new bugs because of this - please report them through GitHub issues if you encounter any!
* Threads, logs, and snippets are now stored in an SQLite database. The bot will migrate old data on the first run.
* Small attachments (<2MB)fromuserscannowberelayedasDiscordattachmentsinthemodmailthreadwiththe`relaySmallAttachmentsAsAttachments`configoption.Logswillhavethelinkasusual.
* Some code clean-up. Please open an issue if you encounter any bugs!
* The bot now throws an error for unknown options in `config.json` (assuming they're typos) and tells you if you haven't configured the token or mail guild id.