update all files

Matthew 2024-10-25 16:57:33 -04:00
parent 599159c6ea
commit bc10712329
Signed by: matthew
SSH Key Fingerprint: SHA256:piIXekA9q1p0ZGi4ogFbNY1embip5Ytbi3v8AZ8UYq4
17 changed files with 665 additions and 585 deletions

View File

@ -1,42 +1,46 @@
import { prop, getModelForClass, Ref } from "@typegoose/typegoose"
import Member, { MemberAdditionalAcknowledgement, MemberUsedLanguages, MemberUsedOperatingSystems } from "./Member";
import { prop, getModelForClass, Ref } from "@typegoose/typegoose";
import Member, {
} from "./Member";
export enum GenerationMethod {
TIMER_INTERNAL, // generated by the internal cron-job timer automatically
INQUIRY_INTERNAL, // internal inquiry generated internally directly through the system. user checks their own inquiry, hard inquiry is performed by a staff member, etc.
INQUIRY_EXTERNAL, // external inquiry generated externally through the system via an external authorized request, such as via EDS
TIMER_INTERNAL, // generated by the internal cron-job timer automatically
INQUIRY_INTERNAL, // internal inquiry generated internally directly through the system. user checks their own inquiry, hard inquiry is performed by a staff member, etc.
INQUIRY_EXTERNAL, // external inquiry generated externally through the system via an external authorized request, such as via EDS
export interface AddtlScoreData {
activity: number;
roles: number;
moderation: number;
cloudServices: number;
misc: number;
activity: number;
roles: number;
moderation: number;
cloudServices: number;
misc: number;
* Comments
* Further attributes for class
* */
* Comments
* Further attributes for class
* */
export default class CommunityReport {
@prop({ required: true, index: true, ref: () => Member })
// the member on which this report was generated for
public member: Ref<Member> | undefined;
@prop({ required: true, index: true, ref: () => Member })
// the member on which this report was generated for
public member: Ref<Member> | undefined;
@prop({ required: true })
// the date in which this report was generated on
public date: Date | undefined;
@prop({ required: true })
// the date in which this report was generated on
public date: Date | undefined;
@prop({ required: true })
// the CommScore of the member specified
public score: number | undefined;
@prop({ required: true })
// the CommScore of the member specified
public score: number | undefined;
@prop({ required: true })
// the method in which this report was generated under
public generationMethod: GenerationMethod | undefined;
@prop({ required: true })
// the method in which this report was generated under
public generationMethod: GenerationMethod | undefined;
@prop({ required: true })
public additionalScoreData: AddtlScoreData | undefined;
@prop({ required: true })
public additionalScoreData: AddtlScoreData | undefined;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { prop, getModelForClass, Ref } from "@typegoose/typegoose"
import { prop, getModelForClass, Ref } from "@typegoose/typegoose";
import Inquiry from "./Inquiry";
@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ import Inquiry from "./Inquiry";
* Structure is performed this way to have two separate collections for Hard and Soft inquiries.
export default class HardInquiry extends Inquiry {
@prop({ required: true })
public reason: string | undefined;
@prop({ required: true })
public reason: string | undefined;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { prop, getModelForClass, Ref } from "@typegoose/typegoose"
import { prop, getModelForClass, Ref } from "@typegoose/typegoose";
import Member from "./Member";
import CommunityReport from "./CommunityReport"
import CommunityReport from "./CommunityReport";
@ -9,29 +9,28 @@ import CommunityReport from "./CommunityReport"
* - Reason
export default abstract class Inquiry {
@prop({ required: true, unique: true })
// the Inquiry Identifier (previously known as `iid`). this is an UUIDv4 string
public id: string | undefined;
@prop({ required: true, unique: true })
// the Inquiry Identifier (previously known as `iid`). this is an UUIDv4 string
public id: string | undefined;
@prop({ required: true, index: true, ref: () => Member })
// the member on which this inquiry was performed on
public member: Ref<Member> | undefined;
@prop({ required: true, index: true, ref: () => Member })
// the member on which this inquiry was performed on
public member: Ref<Member> | undefined;
@prop({ required: true })
// the date in which this inquiry was performed
public date: Date | undefined;
@prop({ required: true })
// the date in which this inquiry was performed
public date: Date | undefined;
@prop({ required: true, ref: () => Member })
// the reference to the member who initiated this inquiry or a string value representing the name of a system that initiated the inquiry
public initiatedBy: Ref<Member> | string | undefined;
@prop({ required: true, ref: () => Member })
// the reference to the member who initiated this inquiry or a string value representing the name of a system that initiated the inquiry
public initiatedBy: Ref<Member> | string | undefined;
@prop({ required: true, ref: () => CommunityReport })
// the report that was generated or fetched from this inquiry as of current date
public report: Ref<CommunityReport> | undefined;
@prop({ required: true, ref: () => CommunityReport })
// the report that was generated or fetched from this inquiry as of current date
public report: Ref<CommunityReport> | undefined;
// a reason for the inquiry, if applicable. this value is required for HardInquiry
public reason: string | "N/A" | undefined;
// a reason for the inquiry, if applicable. this value is required for HardInquiry
public reason: string | "N/A" | undefined;

View File

@ -1,88 +1,87 @@
import { prop, getModelForClass } from "@typegoose/typegoose"
import { prop, getModelForClass } from "@typegoose/typegoose";
* Comments
* Further attributes for class
* */
* Comments
* Further attributes for class
* */
export interface SharedMemberAttributes {
discordID: string | undefined;
discordID: string | undefined;
export type MemberAdditionalAcknowledgement =
"Chair of the Board of Governors" |
"Vice Chair of the Board of Governors" |
"Voting Seat Member of the Board of Governors" |
| "Chair of the Board of Governors"
| "Vice Chair of the Board of Governors"
| "Voting Seat Member of the Board of Governors"
| string;
export const MemberGuildRoleIDMap = {
// Chair/Vice Chair of the Board of Governors
CHAIR_OR_VICE_OF_BOARD: "608394038466445320",
// Management
MANAGEMENT: "1077646568091570236",
// Director of Operations
DIRECTOR_OF_OPERATIONS: "1077647072163020840",
// Director of Engineering
DIRECTOR_OF_ENGINEERING: "1077646956890951690",
// Board of Governors
BOARD_OF_GOVERNORS: "662163685439045632",
// Project Manager
PROJECT_MANAGER: "1077647157928132711",
// Services Manager
SERVICES_MANAGER: "1077647467056742482",
// Staff
STAFF: "446104438969466890",
// Technician
TECHNICIAN: "701454780828221450",
// Moderator
MODERATOR: "455972169449734144",
// Core Team
CORE_TEAM: "453689940140883988",
// Intern (Training)
INTERN: "701481967149121627",
// Chair/Vice Chair of the Board of Governors
CHAIR_OR_VICE_OF_BOARD: "608394038466445320",
// Management
MANAGEMENT: "1077646568091570236",
// Director of Operations
DIRECTOR_OF_OPERATIONS: "1077647072163020840",
// Director of Engineering
DIRECTOR_OF_ENGINEERING: "1077646956890951690",
// Board of Governors
BOARD_OF_GOVERNORS: "662163685439045632",
// Project Manager
PROJECT_MANAGER: "1077647157928132711",
// Services Manager
SERVICES_MANAGER: "1077647467056742482",
// Staff
STAFF: "446104438969466890",
// Technician
TECHNICIAN: "701454780828221450",
// Moderator
MODERATOR: "455972169449734144",
// Core Team
CORE_TEAM: "453689940140883988",
// Intern (Training)
INTERN: "701481967149121627",
// enum for the used programming languages in whois information
export enum MemberUsedLanguages {
ASM = "lang-asm",
CFAM = "lang-cfam",
CSHARP = "lang-csharp",
GO = "lang-go",
JAVA = "lang-java",
JS = "lang-js",
KT = "lang-kt",
PY = "lang-py",
RB = "lang-rb",
RS = "lang-rs",
SWIFT = "lang-swift",
TS = "lang-ts"
ASM = "lang-asm",
CFAM = "lang-cfam",
CSHARP = "lang-csharp",
GO = "lang-go",
JAVA = "lang-java",
JS = "lang-js",
KT = "lang-kt",
PY = "lang-py",
RB = "lang-rb",
RS = "lang-rs",
SWIFT = "lang-swift",
TS = "lang-ts",
// enum for the used operating systems in the whois information
export enum MemberUsedOperatingSystems {
ARCH = "os-arch",
DEB = "os-deb",
CENT = "os-cent",
FEDORA = "os-fedora",
MDARWIN = "os-mdarwin",
MANJARO = "os-manjaro",
REDHAT = "os-redhat",
UBUNTU = "os-ubuntu",
WIN = "os-win"
ARCH = "os-arch",
DEB = "os-deb",
CENT = "os-cent",
FEDORA = "os-fedora",
MDARWIN = "os-mdarwin",
MANJARO = "os-manjaro",
REDHAT = "os-redhat",
UBUNTU = "os-ubuntu",
WIN = "os-win",
export default class Member implements SharedMemberAttributes {
@prop({ required: true, unique: true })
public discordID: string | undefined;
@prop({ required: true, unique: true })
public discordID: string | undefined;
public usedOperatingSystems: MemberUsedOperatingSystems[] | undefined;
public usedOperatingSystems: MemberUsedOperatingSystems[] | undefined;
public usedLanguages: MemberUsedLanguages[] | undefined;
public usedLanguages: MemberUsedLanguages[] | undefined;
public additionalAcknowledgement: MemberAdditionalAcknowledgement[] | undefined;
public additionalAcknowledgement: MemberAdditionalAcknowledgement[] | undefined;
export const MemberModel = getModelForClass(Member);

View File

@ -2,72 +2,71 @@ import { prop, getModelForClass } from "@typegoose/typegoose";
import Member from "./Member";
* Comments
* Further attributes for class
* */
* Comments
* Further attributes for class
* */
import { SharedMemberAttributes } from "./Member";
export type PartnerTitle =
"Director of Engineering" |
"Director of Operations" |
"Deputy Director of Engineering" |
"Deputy Director of Operations" |
"Services Manager" |
"Project Manager" |
"Engineering Core Partner" |
"Operations Core Partner" |
"Community Moderator" |
"Technician" |
| "Director of Engineering"
| "Director of Operations"
| "Deputy Director of Engineering"
| "Deputy Director of Operations"
| "Services Manager"
| "Project Manager"
| "Engineering Core Partner"
| "Operations Core Partner"
| "Community Moderator"
| "Technician"
| string;
export enum PartnerDepartment {
ENGINEERING, // Department of Engineering
OPERATIONS // Department of Operations
ENGINEERING, // Department of Engineering
OPERATIONS, // Department of Operations
export enum PartnerRoleType {
export enum PartnerCommissionType {
export default class Partner implements SharedMemberAttributes {
@prop({ required: true, unique: true })
public discordID: string | undefined;
@prop({ required: true, unique: true })
public discordID: string | undefined;
public emailAddress: string | undefined;
public emailAddress: string | undefined;
@prop({ required: true })
public roleType: PartnerRoleType | undefined;
@prop({ required: true })
public roleType: PartnerRoleType | undefined;
@prop({ required: true })
public commissionType: PartnerCommissionType | undefined;
@prop({ required: true })
public commissionType: PartnerCommissionType | undefined;
@prop({ required: true })
public department: PartnerDepartment | undefined;
@prop({ required: true })
public department: PartnerDepartment | undefined;
@prop({ required: true })
public title: PartnerTitle | "Partner" | undefined;
@prop({ required: true })
public title: PartnerTitle | "Partner" | undefined;
public directReport: Partner | string | undefined;
public directReport: Partner | string | undefined;
// this field dictates if the partner is able to perform developer commands, such as "eval"
public canPerformDevCommands: boolean | undefined;
// this field dictates if the partner is able to perform developer commands, such as "eval"
public canPerformDevCommands: boolean | undefined;
export const PartnerModel = getModelForClass(Partner);

View File

@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
import { prop } from '@typegoose/typegoose';
import { prop } from "@typegoose/typegoose";
// This class represents a Vendor, which ia an entity that is permitted to access CommunityReport information, and may be permitted to manipulate data, through the HTtP API.
export default class Vendor {
@prop({ required: true })
public name: string | undefined;
@prop({ required: true })
public name: string | undefined;
@prop({ required: true, unique: true })
// the uuidv4 string identifier of the vendor; this functions as the identifier and api key for the vendor
public key: string | undefined;
@prop({ required: true, unique: true })
// the uuidv4 string identifier of the vendor; this functions as the identifier and api key for the vendor
public key: string | undefined;
@prop({ default: false })
// determines if this vendor can perform a Hard Inquiry and receive additional privileged information
public privileged: boolean | undefined;
@prop({ default: false })
// determines if this vendor can perform a Hard Inquiry and receive additional privileged information
public privileged: boolean | undefined;

View File

@ -4,64 +4,74 @@ import { inspect } from "util";
import { discordBotToken } from "../../config.json";
export default class Eval extends DiscordInteractionCommand {
// This is a list of IDs that are allowed to use this command.
private listOfAllowedIDs: string[];
// This is a list of IDs that are allowed to use this command.
private listOfAllowedIDs: string[];
constructor() {
super("eval", "Executes arbitrary JS code and returns the output.");
// this option is required and is a string of JavaScript code to execute
this.builder.addStringOption(option => option.setName("code").setDescription("The code to execute.").setRequired(true));
// this option is optional and is a boolean that determines whether the code should be run as an async function
this.builder.addBooleanOption(option => option.setName("async").setDescription("Whether to run the code as an async function.").setRequired(false));
// this option is optional and is an integer that determines the depth of the eval inspection
this.builder.addIntegerOption(option => option.setName("depth").setDescription("The depth of the inspection.").setRequired(false));
constructor() {
super("eval", "Executes arbitrary JS code and returns the output.");
// this option is required and is a string of JavaScript code to execute
this.builder.addStringOption((option) =>
option.setName("code").setDescription("The code to execute.").setRequired(true)
// this option is optional and is a boolean that determines whether the code should be run as an async function
this.builder.addBooleanOption((option) =>
.setDescription("Whether to run the code as an async function.")
// this option is optional and is an integer that determines the depth of the eval inspection
this.builder.addIntegerOption((option) =>
option.setName("depth").setDescription("The depth of the inspection.").setRequired(false)
this.listOfAllowedIDs = [
"278620217221971968", // Matthew
this.listOfAllowedIDs = [
"278620217221971968", // Matthew
public async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction) {
// @ts-ignore
let evalString = interaction.options.getString("code").trim();
if (evalString == null)
return interaction.reply({ content: "You must provide code to evaluate.", ephemeral: true });
if (!this.listOfAllowedIDs.includes(interaction.user.id))
return interaction.reply({ content: "Permission denied.", ephemeral: true });
await interaction.deferReply({ ephemeral: true });
// set scoped variables to be able to access over eval
const guild = interaction.guild || interaction.client.guilds.cache.get(this.GUILD_ID);
// the output of eval() is stored in evaled
let evaled: any;
let depth: number | null = 0;
// if depth option exists, set the depth variable to the value provided by the user
if (interaction.options.getInteger("depth") != null) {
depth = interaction.options.getInteger("depth");
public async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction) {
// @ts-ignore
let evalString = interaction.options.getString("code").trim();
if (evalString == null) return interaction.reply({ content: "You must provide code to evaluate.", ephemeral: true });
if (!this.listOfAllowedIDs.includes(interaction.user.id)) return interaction.reply({ content: "Permission denied.", ephemeral: true });
await interaction.deferReply({ephemeral: true});
// if command specified as async, swap the evalString in an async function
if (interaction.options.getBoolean("async")) {
evalString = `(async () => { ${evalString} })()`;
// set scoped variables to be able to access over eval
const guild = interaction.guild || interaction.client.guilds.cache.get(this.GUILD_ID);
// the output of eval() is stored in evaled
let evaled: any;
let depth: number | null = 0;
// if depth option exists, set the depth variable to the value provided by the user
if (interaction.options.getInteger("depth") != null) {
depth = interaction.options.getInteger("depth");
try {
evaled = await eval(evalString);
if (typeof evaled !== "string") {
evaled = inspect(evaled, { depth });
if (evaled === undefined) {
evaled = "undefined";
} catch (error) {
// @ts-ignore
evaled = error.stack;
// if command specified as async, swap the evalString in an async function
if (interaction.options.getBoolean("async")) {
evalString = `(async () => { ${evalString} })()`;
// replaces all instances of the bot token with [REDACTED] in output
evaled = evaled.replace(new RegExp(discordBotToken, "gi"), "[REDACTED]");
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-eval
evaled = await eval(evalString);
if (typeof evaled !== 'string') {
evaled = inspect(evaled, { depth });
if (evaled === undefined) {
evaled = 'undefined';
} catch (error) {
// @ts-ignore
evaled = error.stack;
// replaces all instances of the bot token with [REDACTED] in output
evaled = evaled.replace(new RegExp(discordBotToken, 'gi'), '[REDACTED]');
// TODO: Figure this out.
/*const display = this.client.util.splitString(evaled, 1975);
// TODO: Figure this out.
/*const display = this.client.util.splitString(evaled, 1975);
if (display[5]) {
try {
const { data } = await axios.post('https://snippets.cloud.libraryofcode.org/documents', display.join(''));
@ -70,6 +80,6 @@ export default class Eval extends DiscordInteractionCommand {
return this.error(ctx.message.channel, `${error}`);
await interaction.editReply({content: `\`\`\`js\n${evaled}\n\`\`\``})
await interaction.editReply({ content: `\`\`\`js\n${evaled}\n\`\`\`` });

View File

@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ import DiscordInteractionCommand from "../../util/DiscordInteractionCommand";
import { ChatInputCommandInteraction } from "discord.js";
export default class Ping extends DiscordInteractionCommand {
constructor() {
super("partner", "Manipulates partner information.");
constructor() {
super("partner", "Manipulates partner information.");
public async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction): Promise<void> {
if (interaction.options?.getSubcommand(true) === "add") {
public async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction): Promise<void> {
if (interaction.options?.getSubcommand(true) === "add") {

View File

@ -1,25 +1,34 @@
import DiscordInteractionCommand, { DiscordInteractionCommandSkeleton } from "../../util/DiscordInteractionCommand";
import DiscordInteractionCommand, {
} from "../../util/DiscordInteractionCommand";
import { guildID } from "../../config.json";
import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, SlashCommandBuilder } from "discord.js";
import { MemberModel } from "../../database/Member";
import { PartnerModel } from "../../database/Partner";
export default class PartnerAdd implements DiscordInteractionCommandSkeleton {
public GUILD_ID: string;
public name: string;
public description: string
public builder: SlashCommandBuilder;
constructor() {
this.name = "partner";
this.description = "Creates a new partner entry.";
this.builder = new SlashCommandBuilder();
this.GUILD_ID = guildID;
public GUILD_ID: string;
public name: string;
public description: string;
public builder: SlashCommandBuilder;
constructor() {
this.name = "partner";
this.description = "Creates a new partner entry.";
this.builder = new SlashCommandBuilder();
this.GUILD_ID = guildID;
public async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction) {
const member = MemberModel.findOne({ discordID: interaction.user.id });
if (!member) return interaction.reply({ content: "The specified partner does not have a base member entry.", ephemeral: true });
if (!(await PartnerModel.findOne({discordID: interaction.user.id}))) return interaction.reply({ content: "The specified partner already has a partner entry.", ephemeral: true });
public async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction) {
const member = MemberModel.findOne({ discordID: interaction.user.id });
if (!member)
return interaction.reply({
content: "The specified partner does not have a base member entry.",
ephemeral: true,
if (!(await PartnerModel.findOne({ discordID: interaction.user.id })))
return interaction.reply({
content: "The specified partner already has a partner entry.",
ephemeral: true,

View File

@ -2,20 +2,20 @@ import DiscordInteractionCommand from "../../util/DiscordInteractionCommand";
import { ChatInputCommandInteraction } from "discord.js";
export default class Ping extends DiscordInteractionCommand {
constructor() {
super("ping", "Pings the bot");
constructor() {
super("ping", "Pings the bot");
public async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction): Promise<void> {
const startTimestamp = Date.now(); // Mark the start of processing
public async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction): Promise<void> {
const startTimestamp = Date.now(); // Mark the start of processing
await interaction.reply({ content: "Pong!", ephemeral: false });
const repliedTimestamp = Date.now(); // Mark the timestamp after replying
await interaction.reply({ content: "Pong!", ephemeral: false });
const repliedTimestamp = Date.now(); // Mark the timestamp after replying
const endTimestamp = Date.now(); // Mark the end of all processing (after editReply)
const endTimestamp = Date.now(); // Mark the end of all processing (after editReply)
await interaction.editReply({
content: `🏓 Pong!\nClient: \`${repliedTimestamp - interaction.createdTimestamp}ms\`\nResponse: \`${endTimestamp - startTimestamp}ms\``
await interaction.editReply({
content: `🏓 Pong!\nClient: \`${repliedTimestamp - interaction.createdTimestamp}ms\`\nResponse: \`${endTimestamp - startTimestamp}ms\``,

View File

@ -1,103 +1,117 @@
import DiscordInteractionCommand from "../../util/DiscordInteractionCommand";
import { MemberModel } from "../../database/Member";
import Partner, { PartnerCommissionType, PartnerDepartment, PartnerModel, PartnerRoleType } from "../../database/Partner";
import Partner, {
} from "../../database/Partner";
import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, EmbedBuilder, GuildMember } from "discord.js";
import MemberUtil from "../../util/MemberUtil";
import EmojiConfig from "../../util/EmojiConfig"
import EmojiConfig from "../../util/EmojiConfig";
export default class Whois extends DiscordInteractionCommand {
constructor() {
super("whois", "Retrieves information about a user.");
this.builder.addUserOption(option => option.setName("member").setDescription("The member to get information about.").setRequired(true));
constructor() {
super("whois", "Retrieves information about a user.");
this.builder.addUserOption((option) =>
.setDescription("The member to get information about.")
public async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction) {
// defer our reply and perform database/external API operations/lookups
await interaction.deferReply({ ephemeral: false });
const target = interaction.options.getUser("member", true);
const guild = interaction.guild || interaction.client.guilds.cache.get(this.GUILD_ID);
const guildMember = await guild?.members.fetch(target.id);
const databaseMember = await MemberModel.findOne({ discordID: target.id });
const partner = await PartnerModel.findOne({ discordID: target.id });
// return an error if target was not located
if (!guildMember) return interaction.editReply({ content: `Member target ${target.id} was not located.`});
// build our embed
const embed = new EmbedBuilder();
// if the role type is managerial, add a [k] to the end of the name
// if the partner exists, set the iconURL to the organizational logo
const formattedName = MemberUtil.formatName(guildMember, partner);
embed.setAuthor({ name: formattedName.text, iconURL: formattedName.iconURL });
// set the thumbnail to the user's avatar
// initialize the description string
let embedDescription = '';
if (partner) {
// set the title to the partner's title if applicable
if (partner.title) embedDescription += `## __${EmojiConfig.LOC} ${partner.title}__\n`;
embedDescription += "### Partner Information\n";
if (partner.emailAddress) embedDescription += `**Email Address**: ${partner.emailAddress}\n`;
switch (partner.department) {
case PartnerDepartment.ENGINEERING:
embedDescription += "**Department**: Dept. of Engineering\n";
case PartnerDepartment.OPERATIONS:
embedDescription += "**Department**: Dept. of Operations\n";
case PartnerDepartment.INDEPENDENT_AGENCY:
embedDescription += "**Department**: Independent Agency/Contractor\n";
switch (partner.commissionType) {
case PartnerCommissionType.TENURE:
embedDescription += "**Commission Type**: Tenure\n";
case PartnerCommissionType.PROVISIONAL:
embedDescription += "**Commission Type**: Provisional\n";
case PartnerCommissionType.CONTRACTUAL:
embedDescription += "**Commission Type**: Contractual/Independent/Collaborator\n";
case PartnerCommissionType.ACTING:
embedDescription += "**Commission Type**: Acting\n";
case PartnerCommissionType.INTERIM:
embedDescription += "**Commission Type**: Interim\n";
case PartnerCommissionType.TRIAL:
embedDescription += "**Commission Type**: Trial/Intern\n";
if (partner.directReport) {
if (partner.directReport instanceof Partner) {
embedDescription += `**Direct Report**: ${partner.directReport.title}\n`;
public async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction) {
// defer our reply and perform database/external API operations/lookups
await interaction.deferReply({ ephemeral: false });
const target = interaction.options.getUser("member", true);
const guild = interaction.guild || interaction.client.guilds.cache.get(this.GUILD_ID);
const guildMember = await guild?.members.fetch(target.id);
const databaseMember = await MemberModel.findOne({ discordID: target.id });
const partner = await PartnerModel.findOne({ discordID: target.id });
// return an error if target was not located
if (!guildMember)
return interaction.editReply({ content: `Member target ${target.id} was not located.` });
// build our embed
const embed = new EmbedBuilder();
// if the role type is managerial, add a [k] to the end of the name
// if the partner exists, set the iconURL to the organizational logo
const formattedName = MemberUtil.formatName(guildMember, partner);
embed.setAuthor({ name: formattedName.text, iconURL: formattedName.iconURL });
// set the thumbnail to the user's avatar
// initialize the description string
let embedDescription = "";
if (partner) {
// set the title to the partner's title if applicable
if (partner.title) embedDescription += `## __${EmojiConfig.LOC} ${partner.title}__\n`;
embedDescription += "### Partner Information\n";
if (partner.emailAddress) embedDescription += `**Email Address**: ${partner.emailAddress}\n`;
switch (partner.department) {
case PartnerDepartment.ENGINEERING:
embedDescription += "**Department**: Dept. of Engineering\n";
case PartnerDepartment.OPERATIONS:
embedDescription += "**Department**: Dept. of Operations\n";
case PartnerDepartment.INDEPENDENT_AGENCY:
embedDescription += "**Department**: Independent Agency/Contractor\n";
switch (partner.commissionType) {
case PartnerCommissionType.TENURE:
embedDescription += "**Commission Type**: Tenure\n";
case PartnerCommissionType.PROVISIONAL:
embedDescription += "**Commission Type**: Provisional\n";
case PartnerCommissionType.CONTRACTUAL:
embedDescription += "**Commission Type**: Contractual/Independent/Collaborator\n";
case PartnerCommissionType.ACTING:
embedDescription += "**Commission Type**: Acting\n";
case PartnerCommissionType.INTERIM:
embedDescription += "**Commission Type**: Interim\n";
case PartnerCommissionType.TRIAL:
embedDescription += "**Commission Type**: Trial/Intern\n";
if (partner.directReport) {
if (partner.directReport instanceof Partner) {
embedDescription += `**Direct Report**: ${partner.directReport.title}\n`;
if (embedDescription?.length > 0) embed.setDescription(embedDescription);
// add status to embed
if (guildMember.presence?.status) { // TODO: this currently doesn't work for some reason
switch (guildMember.presence.status) {
case "online":
embed.addFields({ name: "Status", value: "Online", inline: true });
case "idle":
embed.addFields({ name: "Status", value: "Idle", inline: true });
case "dnd":
embed.addFields({ name: "Status", value: "Do Not Disturb", inline: true });
case "offline" || "invisible":
embed.addFields({ name: "Status", value: "Online", inline: true });
// TODO: decide what placeholder we should use for values that fall "out of range"
embed.addFields({ name: "Status", value: "", inline: true });
embed.setFooter({ text: `Discord ID: ${guildMember.id}${databaseMember ? `Internal ID: ${databaseMember?._id}` : ''}` });
return await interaction.editReply({ embeds: [embed] });
if (embedDescription?.length > 0) embed.setDescription(embedDescription);
// add status to embed
if (guildMember.presence?.status) {
// TODO: this currently doesn't work for some reason
switch (guildMember.presence.status) {
case "online":
embed.addFields({ name: "Status", value: "Online", inline: true });
case "idle":
embed.addFields({ name: "Status", value: "Idle", inline: true });
case "dnd":
embed.addFields({ name: "Status", value: "Do Not Disturb", inline: true });
case "offline" || "invisible":
embed.addFields({ name: "Status", value: "Online", inline: true });
// TODO: decide what placeholder we should use for values that fall "out of range"
embed.addFields({ name: "Status", value: "", inline: true });
text: `Discord ID: ${guildMember.id}${databaseMember ? `Internal ID: ${databaseMember?._id}` : ""}`,
return await interaction.editReply({ embeds: [embed] });

View File

@ -3,24 +3,34 @@ import { DiscordInteractionCommands } from "../../index";
import { Client, Interaction } from "discord.js";
export default class InteractionCreate extends DiscordEvent {
constructor(client: Client) {
super("interactionCreate", client);
constructor(client: Client) {
super("interactionCreate", client);
public async execute(interaction: Interaction): Promise<void> {
if (!interaction.isChatInputCommand()) return;
const command = DiscordInteractionCommands.get(interaction.commandName);
if (!command) return console.error(`No command matching ${interaction.commandName} was found.`);
try {
await command.execute(interaction);
console.info(`[Info - Discord] Command '${interaction.commandName}' executed by '${interaction.user.username}'`);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error executing command '${interaction.commandName}': by '${interaction.user.username}'\n${error}`);
if (interaction.replied || interaction.deferred) {
await interaction.followUp({ content: 'There was an error while executing this command!', ephemeral: true });
} else {
await interaction.reply({ content: 'There was an error while executing this command!', ephemeral: true });
public async execute(interaction: Interaction): Promise<void> {
if (!interaction.isChatInputCommand()) return;
const command = DiscordInteractionCommands.get(interaction.commandName);
if (!command) return console.error(`No command matching ${interaction.commandName} was found.`);
try {
await command.execute(interaction);
`[Info - Discord] Command '${interaction.commandName}' executed by '${interaction.user.username}'`
} catch (error) {
`Error executing command '${interaction.commandName}': by '${interaction.user.username}'\n${error}`
if (interaction.replied || interaction.deferred) {
await interaction.followUp({
content: "There was an error while executing this command!",
ephemeral: true,
} else {
await interaction.reply({
content: "There was an error while executing this command!",
ephemeral: true,

View File

@ -2,153 +2,153 @@
* Hold a bunch of something
export default class Collection<V> extends Map<string, V> {
baseObject: (new (...args: any[]) => V) | undefined;
baseObject: (new (...args: any[]) => V) | undefined;
* Creates an instance of Collection
constructor(iterable: Iterable<[string, V]> | object | null = null) {
if (iterable && iterable instanceof Array) {
} else if (iterable && iterable instanceof Object) {
} else {
* Creates an instance of Collection
constructor(iterable: Iterable<[string, V]> | object | null = null) {
if (iterable && iterable instanceof Array) {
} else if (iterable && iterable instanceof Object) {
} else {
* Map to array
* ```js
* [value, value, value]
* ```
toArray(): V[] {
return [...this.values()];
* Map to array
* ```js
* [value, value, value]
* ```
toArray(): V[] {
return [...this.values()];
* Map to object
* ```js
* { key: value, key: value, key: value }
* ```
toObject(): { [key: string]: V } {
const obj: { [key: string]: V } = {};
for (const [key, value] of this.entries()) {
obj[key] = value;
return obj;
* Map to object
* ```js
* { key: value, key: value, key: value }
* ```
toObject(): { [key: string]: V } {
const obj: { [key: string]: V } = {};
for (const [key, value] of this.entries()) {
obj[key] = value;
return obj;
* Add an object
* If baseObject, add only if instance of baseObject
* If no baseObject, add
* @param key The key of the object
* @param value The object data
* @param replace Whether to replace an existing object with the same key
* @return The existing or newly created object
add(key: string, value: V, replace: boolean = false): V | undefined | null {
if (this.has(key) && !replace) {
return this.get(key);
if (this.baseObject && !(value instanceof this.baseObject)) return null;
* Add an object
* If baseObject, add only if instance of baseObject
* If no baseObject, add
* @param key The key of the object
* @param value The object data
* @param replace Whether to replace an existing object with the same key
* @return The existing or newly created object
add(key: string, value: V, replace: boolean = false): V | undefined | null {
if (this.has(key) && !replace) {
return this.get(key);
if (this.baseObject && !(value instanceof this.baseObject)) return null;
this.set(key, value);
return value;
this.set(key, value);
return value;
* Return the first object to make the function evaluate true
* @param func A function that takes an object and returns something
* @return The first matching object, or `null` if no match
find(func: Function): V | null {
for (const item of this.values()) {
if (func(item)) return item;
return null;
* Return the first object to make the function evaluate true
* @param func A function that takes an object and returns something
* @return The first matching object, or `null` if no match
find(func: Function): V | null {
for (const item of this.values()) {
if (func(item)) return item;
return null;
* Return an array with the results of applying the given function to each element
* @param callbackfn A function that takes an object and returns something
map<U>(callbackfn: (value?: V, index?: number, array?: V[]) => U): U[] {
const arr = [];
for (const item of this.values()) {
return arr;
* Return an array with the results of applying the given function to each element
* @param callbackfn A function that takes an object and returns something
map<U>(callbackfn: (value?: V, index?: number, array?: V[]) => U): U[] {
const arr = [];
for (const item of this.values()) {
return arr;
* Return all the objects that make the function evaluate true
* @param func A function that takes an object and returns true if it matches
filter(func: (value: V) => boolean): V[] {
const arr = [];
for (const item of this.values()) {
if (func(item)) {
return arr;
* Return all the objects that make the function evaluate true
* @param func A function that takes an object and returns true if it matches
filter(func: (value: V) => boolean): V[] {
const arr = [];
for (const item of this.values()) {
if (func(item)) {
return arr;
* Test if at least one element passes the test implemented by the provided function. Returns true if yes, or false if not.
* @param func A function that takes an object and returns true if it matches
some(func: (value: V) => boolean) {
for (const item of this.values()) {
if (func(item)) {
return true;
return false;
* Test if at least one element passes the test implemented by the provided function. Returns true if yes, or false if not.
* @param func A function that takes an object and returns true if it matches
some(func: (value: V) => boolean) {
for (const item of this.values()) {
if (func(item)) {
return true;
return false;
* Update an object
* @param key The key of the object
* @param value The updated object data
update(key: string, value: V) {
return this.add(key, value, true);
* Update an object
* @param key The key of the object
* @param value The updated object data
update(key: string, value: V) {
return this.add(key, value, true);
* Remove an object
* @param key The key of the object
* @returns The removed object, or `null` if nothing was removed
remove(key: string): V | null {
const item = this.get(key);
if (!item) {
return null;
return item;
* Remove an object
* @param key The key of the object
* @returns The removed object, or `null` if nothing was removed
remove(key: string): V | null {
const item = this.get(key);
if (!item) {
return null;
return item;
* Get a random object from the Collection
* @returns The random object or `null` if empty
random(): V | null {
if (!this.size) {
return null;
return Array.from(this.values())[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.size)];
* Get a random object from the Collection
* @returns The random object or `null` if empty
random(): V | null {
if (!this.size) {
return null;
return Array.from(this.values())[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.size)];
toString() {
// @ts-ignore
return `[Collection<${this.baseObject.name}>]`;
toString() {
// @ts-ignore
return `[Collection<${this.baseObject.name}>]`;

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
import { Client } from "discord.js";
export default abstract class DiscordEvent {
public name: string;
protected client: Client;
public name: string;
protected client: Client;
protected constructor(name: string = "", client: Client) {
this.name = name;
this.client = client;
this.execute = this.execute.bind(this);
public abstract execute(...args: any[]): Error | Promise<void>;
protected constructor(name: string = "", client: Client) {
this.name = name;
this.client = client;
this.execute = this.execute.bind(this);
public abstract execute(...args: any[]): Error | Promise<void>;

View File

@ -2,30 +2,32 @@ import { SlashCommandBuilder, ChatInputCommandInteraction } from "discord.js";
import { guildID } from "../config.json";
export interface DiscordInteractionCommandSkeleton {
GUILD_ID: string;
builder?: SlashCommandBuilder;
description: string;
execute: (interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction) => Error | Promise<void | any>;
name: string;
GUILD_ID: string;
builder?: SlashCommandBuilder;
description: string;
execute: (interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction) => Error | Promise<void | any>;
name: string;
export default abstract class DiscordInteractionCommand implements DiscordInteractionCommandSkeleton {
public name: string;
public description: string;
public builder: SlashCommandBuilder;
export default abstract class DiscordInteractionCommand
implements DiscordInteractionCommandSkeleton
public name: string;
public description: string;
public builder: SlashCommandBuilder;
public GUILD_ID: string;
public GUILD_ID: string;
protected constructor(name: string, description: string) {
this.name = name;
this.description = description;
this.builder = new SlashCommandBuilder();
protected constructor(name: string, description: string) {
this.name = name;
this.description = description;
this.builder = new SlashCommandBuilder();
this.GUILD_ID = guildID;
this.GUILD_ID = guildID;
public abstract execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction): Error | Promise<void | any>;
public abstract execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction): Error | Promise<void | any>;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
export default class EmojiConfig {
public static LOC = "<:loc:607695848612167700>";
public static EMAIL = "<:email:699786452267040878>";
public static LOC = "<:loc:607695848612167700>";
public static EMAIL = "<:email:699786452267040878>";

View File

@ -1,84 +1,118 @@
import Partner, {
} from "../database/Partner";
import Member, { MemberAdditionalAcknowledgement, MemberModel } from "../database/Member";
import { Client, GuildMember, User } from "discord.js";
import { guildID } from "../config.json";
export interface PartnerOptions {
roleType: PartnerRoleType;
commissionType: PartnerCommissionType;
department: PartnerDepartment;
title: PartnerTitle;
directReport: Partner | string;
roleType: PartnerRoleType;
commissionType: PartnerCommissionType;
department: PartnerDepartment;
title: PartnerTitle;
directReport: Partner | string;
export interface FormatNameOptions {
text: string;
iconURL: string;
text: string;
iconURL: string;
// TODO: Add the rest of the remaining role configurations
export const PartnerDiscordRoleMap = {
// Director of Engineering, Management, Staff, Technician, Core Team, Play Caller
"Director of Engineering": ["1077646568091570236", "1077646956890951690", "446104438969466890", "701454780828221450", "453689940140883988", "1014978134573064293"],
// Director of Operations, Management, Staff, Moderator, Core Team, Play Caller
"Director of Operations": ["1077647072163020840", "1077646956890951690", "446104438969466890", "455972169449734144", "453689940140883988", "1014978134573064293"]
// Director of Engineering, Management, Staff, Technician, Core Team, Play Caller
"Director of Engineering": [
// Director of Operations, Management, Staff, Moderator, Core Team, Play Caller
"Director of Operations": [
export default class MemberUtil {
public static async createNewPartner(member: Member, options: PartnerOptions) {
const partner = new PartnerModel();
partner.discordID = member.discordID;
partner.roleType = options.roleType;
partner.commissionType = options.commissionType;
partner.department = options.department;
partner.title = options.title;
partner.directReport = options.directReport;
await partner.save();
return partner;
public static async createNewPartner(member: Member, options: PartnerOptions) {
const partner = new PartnerModel();
partner.discordID = member.discordID;
partner.roleType = options.roleType;
partner.commissionType = options.commissionType;
partner.department = options.department;
partner.title = options.title;
partner.directReport = options.directReport;
await partner.save();
return partner;
public static async getPartner(member: Member) {
return PartnerModel.findOne({ discordID: member.discordID });
public static async getPartner(member: Member) {
return PartnerModel.findOne({ discordID: member.discordID });
public static async deletePartner(member: Member) {
return PartnerModel.deleteOne({ discordID: member.discordID });
public static async deletePartner(member: Member) {
return PartnerModel.deleteOne({ discordID: member.discordID });
public static addAcknowledgementToMember(member: Member, acknowledgement: MemberAdditionalAcknowledgement) {
if (!member.additionalAcknowledgement || member.additionalAcknowledgement?.length === 0) {
MemberModel.updateOne({ discordID: member.discordID }, { additionalAcknowledgement: [] });
if (member.additionalAcknowledgement?.includes(acknowledgement)) throw new Error("This member already has this acknowledgement.")
return MemberModel.updateOne({ discordID: member.discordID }, { $push: { additionalAcknowledgement: acknowledgement } });
public static addAcknowledgementToMember(
member: Member,
acknowledgement: MemberAdditionalAcknowledgement
) {
if (!member.additionalAcknowledgement || member.additionalAcknowledgement?.length === 0) {
MemberModel.updateOne({ discordID: member.discordID }, { additionalAcknowledgement: [] });
if (member.additionalAcknowledgement?.includes(acknowledgement))
throw new Error("This member already has this acknowledgement.");
return MemberModel.updateOne(
{ discordID: member.discordID },
{ $push: { additionalAcknowledgement: acknowledgement } }
// TODO: comments and extended formatting
public static formatName(target: GuildMember | User, partner?: Partner | null): FormatNameOptions {
console.log(`[MemberUtil] Formatting name for ${target.displayName} at url ${target instanceof GuildMember ? target.user.displayAvatarURL() : target.displayAvatarURL()}`);
// if the role type is managerial, add a [k] to the end of the name
// if the partner exists, set the iconURL to the organizational logo
if (partner?.roleType == PartnerRoleType.MANAGERIAL) {
return {
text: `${target.displayName} [k]`,
iconURL: target.displayAvatarURL(),
} else if (partner?.commissionType == PartnerCommissionType.CONTRACTUAL) { // if the commission type is contractual, add a [c] to the end of the name
return {
text: `${target.displayName} [c]`,
iconURL: target instanceof GuildMember ? target.user.displayAvatarURL() : target.displayAvatarURL(),
} else { // otherwise, just set the author to the member's display name
return {
text: target.displayName,
iconURL: target instanceof GuildMember ? target.user.displayAvatarURL() : target.displayAvatarURL(),
// TODO: comments and extended formatting
public static formatName(
target: GuildMember | User,
partner?: Partner | null
): FormatNameOptions {
`[MemberUtil] Formatting name for ${target.displayName} at url ${target instanceof GuildMember ? target.user.displayAvatarURL() : target.displayAvatarURL()}`
// if the role type is managerial, add a [k] to the end of the name
// if the partner exists, set the iconURL to the organizational logo
if (partner?.roleType == PartnerRoleType.MANAGERIAL) {
return {
text: `${target.displayName} [k]`,
iconURL: target.displayAvatarURL(),
} else if (partner?.commissionType == PartnerCommissionType.CONTRACTUAL) {
// if the commission type is contractual, add a [c] to the end of the name
return {
text: `${target.displayName} [c]`,
target instanceof GuildMember
? target.user.displayAvatarURL()
: target.displayAvatarURL(),
} else {
// otherwise, just set the author to the member's display name
return {
text: target.displayName,
target instanceof GuildMember
? target.user.displayAvatarURL()
: target.displayAvatarURL(),