import { Message, TextChannel } from 'eris'; import { Client, Command } from '../class'; export default class Train extends Command { constructor(client: Client) { super(client); = 'train'; this.description = 'Trains a neural network.'; this.usage = `${this.client.config.prefix}train <1: good | 0: bad>`; this.permissions = 1; this.guildOnly = false; this.enabled = true; } public async run(message: Message, args: string[]) { try { if (args?.length < 3) return this.client.commands.get('help').run(message, []); if (args[2] !== '0' && args[2] !== '1') return this.error(, 'Result must be either 0 or 1.'); const channel = this.client.util.resolveGuildChannel(args[0], this.mainGuild); if (!channel) return this.error(, 'Channel could not be found.'); if (channel.type !== 0) return this.error(, 'Invalid channel type.'); let msg: Message; try { msg = await channel.getMessage(args[1]); } catch { return this.error(, 'Could not find message.'); } if (!msg) return this.error(, 'Message could not be found.'); await this.client.db.NNTrainingData.updateOne({ name: 'tc' }, { $addToSet: { data: { input: this.client.util.encode(msg.content), output: { res: Number(args[2]) } } } }); await message.delete(); const done = await this.success(, 'Neural Network trained successfully.'); return setTimeout(async () => { await done.delete(); }, 3000); } catch (err) { return this.client.util.handleError(err, message, this); } } }