/* eslint-disable default-case */ import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken'; import { Message } from 'eris'; import { Client, Command } from '../class'; export default class Offer extends Command { constructor(client: Client) { super(client); this.name = 'offer'; this.description = 'Pre-qualifies a member for an offer. Will run a hard-pull automatically on acceptance.'; this.usage = `${this.client.config.prefix}offer :`; this.permissions = 4; this.aliases = ['qualify']; this.guildOnly = true; this.enabled = true; } public async run(message: Message, args: string[]) { try { if (!args[0]) return this.client.commands.get('help').run(message, [this.name]); const member = this.client.util.resolveMember(args[0], this.mainGuild); if (!member) return this.error(message.channel, 'Could not find member.'); const score = await this.client.db.Score.findOne({ userID: member.user.id }).lean().exec(); if (!score) return this.error(message.channel, 'Could not find score report for this user.'); if (score.locked) return this.error(message.channel, 'This user\'s score report is locked.'); const name = args.slice(1).join(' ').split(':')[0]; const dept = args.slice(1).join(' ').split(':')[1]; if (!name || !dept) return this.error(message.channel, 'Invalid arguments.'); const token = jwt.sign({ userID: member.user.id, staffID: message.author.id, channelID: message.channel.id, messageID: message.id, pin: score.pin.join('-'), name, department: dept, date: new Date(), }, this.client.config.internalKey, { expiresIn: '12h' }); this.client.getDMChannel(member.user.id).then((chan) => { chan.createMessage(`__**Offer Pre-Qualified**__\nYou have been pre-approved for an offer! If you wish to accept this offer, please enter the offer code at https://report.libraryofcode.org/. Do not share this code with anyone else. This offer automatically expires in 12 hours. Your report will be Hard Inquiried immediately after accepting this offer.\n\n**Department:** ${dept.toUpperCase()}\n**Offer for:** ${name}\n\n\`${token}\``); }).catch(() => this.error(message.channel, 'Could not DM member.')); return this.success(message.channel, `Offer sent.\n\n\`${token}\``); } catch (err) { return this.client.util.handleError(err, message, this); } } }