/* eslint-disable no-bitwise */ import nodemailer from 'nodemailer'; import GoogleTTS, { TextToSpeechClient } from '@google-cloud/text-to-speech'; import childProcess from 'child_process'; import ARIClient from 'ari-client'; import AMIClient from 'asterisk-manager'; import signale from 'signale'; import { Member, Message, Guild, PrivateChannel, GroupChannel, Role, AnyGuildChannel, WebhookPayload } from 'eris'; import { Client, Command, Moderation, PBX, RichEmbed } from '.'; import { statusMessages as emotes } from '../configs/emotes.json'; export default class Util { public client: Client; public moderation: Moderation; public signale: signale.Signale; public transporter: nodemailer.Transporter; public pbx: PBX; public ari: ARIClient.Client; public ami: any; public tts: TextToSpeechClient; constructor(client: Client) { this.client = client; this.moderation = new Moderation(this.client); this.signale = signale; this.signale.config({ displayDate: true, displayTimestamp: true, displayFilename: true, }); this.transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({ host: 'staff.libraryofcode.org', port: 587, auth: { user: 'internal', pass: this.client.config.emailPass }, }); this.load(); } private async load() { this.ari = await ARIClient.connect('', 'cr0', this.client.config.ariClientKey); this.ari.start(['cr-zero', 'page-dtmf']); this.ami = new AMIClient(5038, '', this.client.config.amiClientKey); process.env.GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS = `${__dirname}/../../google.json`; this.tts = new GoogleTTS.TextToSpeechClient(); this.pbx = new PBX(this.client); } get emojis() { return { SUCCESS: emotes.success, LOADING: emotes.loading, ERROR: emotes.error, }; } /** * Resolves a command * @param query Command input * @param message Only used to check for errors */ /* public resolveCommand(query: string | string[]): Promise<{cmd: Command, args: string[] }> { try { if (typeof query === 'string') query = query.split(' '); const commands = this.client.commands.toArray(); const resolvedCommand = commands.find((c) => c.name === query[0].toLowerCase() || c.aliases.includes(query[0].toLowerCase())); if (!resolvedCommand) return Promise.resolve(null); query.shift(); return Promise.resolve({ cmd: resolvedCommand, args: query }); } catch (error) { return Promise.reject(error); } } */ public async exec(command: string, options: childProcess.ExecOptions = {}): Promise { return new Promise((res, rej) => { let output = ''; const writeFunction = (data: string|Buffer|Error) => { output += `${data}`; }; const cmd = childProcess.exec(command, options); cmd.stdout.on('data', writeFunction); cmd.stderr.on('data', writeFunction); cmd.on('error', writeFunction); cmd.once('close', (code, signal) => { cmd.stdout.off('data', writeFunction); cmd.stderr.off('data', writeFunction); cmd.off('error', writeFunction); setTimeout(() => {}, 1000); if (code !== 0) rej(new Error(`Command failed: ${command}\n${output}`)); res(output); }); }); } /** * Resolves a command * @param query Command input * @param message Only used to check for errors */ public resolveCommand(query: string | string[], message?: Message): Promise<{cmd: Command, args: string[] }> { try { let resolvedCommand: Command; if (typeof query === 'string') query = query.split(' '); const commands = this.client.commands.toArray(); resolvedCommand = commands.find((c) => c.name === query[0].toLowerCase() || c.aliases.includes(query[0].toLowerCase())); if (!resolvedCommand) return Promise.resolve(null); query.shift(); while (resolvedCommand.subcommands.size && query.length) { const subCommands = resolvedCommand.subcommands.toArray(); const found = subCommands.find((c) => c.name === query[0].toLowerCase() || c.aliases.includes(query[0].toLowerCase())); if (!found) break; resolvedCommand = found; query.shift(); } return Promise.resolve({ cmd: resolvedCommand, args: query }); } catch (error) { if (message) this.handleError(error, message); else this.handleError(error); return Promise.reject(error); } } public resolveGuildChannel(query: string, { channels }: Guild, categories = false): AnyGuildChannel | undefined { const ch: AnyGuildChannel[] = channels.filter((c) => (!categories ? c.type !== 4 : true)); return ch.find((c) => c.id === query.replace(/[<#>]/g, '') || c.name === query) || ch.find((c) => c.name.toLowerCase() === query.toLowerCase()) || ch.find((c) => c.name.toLowerCase().startsWith(query.toLowerCase())); } public resolveRole(query: string, { roles }: Guild): Role | undefined { return roles.find((r) => r.id === query.replace(/[<@&>]/g, '') || r.name === query) || roles.find((r) => r.name.toLowerCase() === query.toLowerCase()) || roles.find((r) => r.name.toLowerCase().startsWith(query.toLowerCase())); } public resolveMember(query: string, { members }: Guild): Member | undefined { return members.find((m) => `${m.username}#${m.discriminator}` === query || m.username === query || m.id === query.replace(/[<@!>]/g, '') || m.nick === query) // Exact match for mention, username+discrim, username and user ID || members.find((m) => `${m.username.toLowerCase()}#${m.discriminator}` === query.toLowerCase() || m.username.toLowerCase() === query.toLowerCase() || (m.nick && m.nick.toLowerCase() === query.toLowerCase())) // Case insensitive match for username+discrim, username || members.find((m) => m.username.toLowerCase().startsWith(query.toLowerCase()) || (m.nick && m.nick.toLowerCase().startsWith(query.toLowerCase()))); } public async handleError(error: Error, message?: Message, command?: Command, disable = true): Promise { try { this.signale.error(error); const info: WebhookPayload = { content: `\`\`\`js\n${error.stack || error}\n\`\`\``, embeds: [] }; if (message) { const embed = new RichEmbed(); embed.setColor('FF0000'); embed.setAuthor(`Error caused by ${message.author.username}#${message.author.discriminator}`, message.author.avatarURL); embed.setTitle('Message content'); embed.setDescription(message.content); embed.addField('User', `${message.author.mention} (\`${message.author.id}\`)`, true); embed.addField('Channel', message.channel.mention, true); let guild: string; if (message.channel instanceof PrivateChannel || message.channel instanceof GroupChannel) guild = '@me'; else guild = message.channel.guild.id; embed.addField('Message link', `[Click here](https://discordapp.com/channels/${guild}/${message.channel.id}/${message.id})`, true); embed.setTimestamp(new Date(message.timestamp)); info.embeds.push(embed); } await this.client.executeWebhook(this.client.config.webhookID, this.client.config.webhookToken, info); const msg = message ? message.content.slice(this.client.config.prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g) : []; if (command && disable) this.resolveCommand(msg).then((c) => { c.cmd.enabled = false; }); if (message) message.channel.createMessage(`***${this.emojis.ERROR} An unexpected error has occured - please contact a Staff member.${command && disable ? ' This command has been disabled.' : ''}***`); } catch (err) { this.signale.error(err); } } public splitString(string: string, length: number): string[] { if (!string) return []; if (Array.isArray(string)) string = string.join('\n'); if (string.length <= length) return [string]; const arrayString: string[] = []; let str: string = ''; let pos: number; while (string.length > 0) { pos = string.length > length ? string.lastIndexOf('\n', length) : string.length; if (pos > length) pos = length; str = string.substr(0, pos); string = string.substr(pos); arrayString.push(str); } return arrayString; } public splitFields(fields: { name: string, value: string, inline?: boolean }[]): { name: string, value: string, inline?: boolean }[][] { let index = 0; const array: {name: string, value: string, inline?: boolean}[][] = [[]]; while (fields.length) { if (array[index].length >= 25) { index += 1; array[index] = []; } array[index].push(fields[0]); fields.shift(); } return array; } public splitArray(array: T[], count: number) { const finalArray: T[][] = []; while (array.length) { finalArray.push(array.splice(0, count)); } return finalArray; } public decimalToHex(int: number): string { const hex = int.toString(16); return '#000000'.substring(0, 7 - hex.length) + hex; } public randomNumber(min: number, max: number): number { return Math.round(Math.random() * (max - min) + min); } public encode(arg: string) { return arg.split('').map((x) => x.charCodeAt(0) / 400); } public normalize(string) { const input = []; // eslint-disable-next-line no-plusplus for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) { input.push(string.charCodeAt(i) / 1000); } return input; } public convert_ascii(ascii: []) { let string = ''; // eslint-disable-next-line no-plusplus for (let i = 0; i < ascii.length; i++) { string += String.fromCharCode(ascii[i] * 4000); } return string; } public percentile(arr: number[], val: number) { return (100 * arr.reduce((acc, v) => acc + (v < val ? 1 : 0) + (v === val ? 0.5 : 0), 0)) / arr.length; } public ordinal(i: number) { const j = i % 10; const k = i % 100; if (j === 1 && k !== 11) { return `${i}st`; } if (j === 2 && k !== 12) { return `${i}nd`; } if (j === 3 && k !== 13) { return `${i}rd`; } return `${i}th`; } }