disable score_Hist
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
import moment from 'moment';
import { median, mode, mean } from 'mathjs';
import { createPaginationEmbed } from 'eris-pagination';
import { Message, User, TextChannel } from 'eris';
import { Message } from 'eris';
import { Client, Command, RichEmbed } from '../class';
import { getTotalMessageCount } from '../intervals/score';
import { InquiryInterface } from '../models';
@ -13,320 +13,170 @@ export default class Score_Hist extends Command {
constructor(client: Client) {
this.name = 'hist';
this.description = 'Pulls your Community Report history.';
this.usage = `${this.client.config.prefix}score hist <member>\n${this.client.config.prefix}score hist`;
this.permissions = 0;
this.description = 'Pulls a Community Report history for a user.';
this.usage = `${this.client.config.prefix}score hist <member>`;
this.permissions = 4;
this.guildOnly = false;
this.enabled = true;
public async run(message: Message, args: string[]) {
try {
let user: User;
if (!args[0] || !this.checkCustomPermissions(this.client.util.resolveMember(message.author.id, this.mainGuild), 4)) {
user = message.author;
if (!user) return this.error(message.channel, 'Member not found.');
const hists = await this.client.db.ScoreHistorical.find({ userID: user.id }).limit(31).lean().exec();
if (!hists) return this.error(message.channel, 'No history found.');
if (hists.length < 1) return this.error(message.channel, 'No history found.');
const histArray: [{ name: string, value: string }?] = [];
const totalArray: number[] = [];
const activityArray: number[] = [];
const moderationArray: number[] = [];
const roleArray: number[] = [];
const cloudServicesArray: number[] = [];
const otherArray: number[] = [];
const miscArray: number[] = [];
for (const hist of hists.reverse()) {
let totalScore = '0';
let activityScore = '0';
let moderationScore = '0';
let roleScore = '0';
let cloudServicesScore = '0';
let otherScore = '0';
let miscScore = '0';
if (hist.report.total < 200) totalScore = '---';
else if (hist.report.total > 800) totalScore = '800';
else totalScore = `${hist.report.total}`;
if (hist.report.activity < 10) activityScore = '---';
else if (hist.report.activity > Math.floor((Math.log1p(getTotalMessageCount(this.client)) * 12))) activityScore = String(Math.floor((Math.log1p(getTotalMessageCount(this.client)) * 12)));
else activityScore = `${hist.report.activity}`;
if (hist.report.roles <= 0) roleScore = '---';
else if (hist.report.roles > 54) roleScore = '54';
else roleScore = `${hist.report.roles}`;
moderationScore = `${hist.report.moderation}`;
if (hist.report.other === 0) otherScore = '---';
else otherScore = `${hist.report.other}`;
if (hist.report.staff <= 0) miscScore = '---';
else miscScore = `${hist.report.staff}`;
if (hist.report.cloudServices === 0) cloudServicesScore = '---';
else if (hist.report.cloudServices > 10) cloudServicesScore = '10';
else cloudServicesScore = `${hist.report.cloudServices}`;
let data = '';
let hardInquiries = 0;
const inquiries: InquiryInterface[] = [];
if (hist.inquiries?.length > 0) {
for (const h of hist.inquiries) {
const inq = await this.client.db.Inquiry.findOne({ _id: h });
if (inquiries?.length > 0) {
inquiries.forEach((inq) => {
const testDate = (new Date(new Date(inq.date).setHours(1460)));
// eslint-disable-next-line no-plusplus
if (testDate > new Date()) hardInquiries++;
data += `__CommScore™:__ ${totalScore}\n__Activity:__ ${activityScore}\n__Roles:__ ${roleScore}\n__Moderation:__ ${moderationScore}\n__Cloud Services:__ ${cloudServicesScore}\n__Other:__ ${otherScore}\n__Misc:__ ${miscScore}\n\n__Hard Inquiries:__ ${hardInquiries}\n__Soft Inquiries:__ ${hist.report.softInquiries?.length ?? '0'}`;
histArray.push({ name: moment(hist.date).calendar(), value: data });
const stat = {
totalMean: mean(totalArray),
totalMode: mode(totalArray),
totalMedian: median(totalArray),
activityMean: mean(activityArray),
rolesMean: mean(roleArray),
moderationMean: mean(moderationArray),
cloudServicesMean: mean(cloudServicesArray),
otherMean: mean(otherArray),
miscMean: mean(miscArray),
const splitHist = this.client.util.splitFields(histArray);
const cmdPages: RichEmbed[] = [];
splitHist.forEach((split) => {
const embed = new RichEmbed();
embed.setTitle('Historical Community Report');
let totalMean = '0';
let totalMedian = '0';
let totalMode = '0';
let activityMean = '0';
let moderationMean = '0';
let roleMean = '0';
let cloudServicesMean = '0';
let otherMean = '0';
let miscMean = '0';
if (stat.totalMean < 200) totalMean = '---';
else if (stat.totalMean > 800) totalMean = '800';
else totalMean = `${stat.totalMean}`;
if (stat.totalMedian < 200) totalMedian = '---';
else if (stat.totalMedian > 800) totalMedian = '800';
else totalMedian = `${stat.totalMedian}`;
if (stat.totalMode < 200) totalMode = '---';
else if (stat.totalMode > 800) totalMode = '800';
else totalMode = `${stat.totalMode}`;
if (stat.activityMean < 10) activityMean = '---';
else if (stat.activityMean > Math.floor((Math.log1p(getTotalMessageCount(this.client)) * 12))) activityMean = String(Math.floor((Math.log1p(getTotalMessageCount(this.client)) * 12)));
else activityMean = `${stat.activityMean}`;
if (stat.rolesMean <= 0) roleMean = '---';
else if (stat.rolesMean > 54) roleMean = '54';
else roleMean = `${stat.rolesMean}`;
moderationMean = `${stat.moderationMean}`;
if (stat.otherMean === 0) otherMean = '---';
else otherMean = `${stat.otherMean}`;
if (stat.miscMean <= 0) miscMean = '---';
else miscMean = `${stat.miscMean}`;
if (stat.cloudServicesMean === 0) cloudServicesMean = '---';
else if (stat.cloudServicesMean > 10) cloudServicesMean = '10';
else cloudServicesMean = `${stat.cloudServicesMean}`;
embed.setDescription(`__**Statistical Averages**__\n**CommScore™ Mean:** ${totalMean} | **CommScore™ Mode:** ${totalMode} | **CommScore™ Median:** ${totalMedian}\n\n**Activity Mean:** ${activityMean}\n**Roles Mean:** ${roleMean}\n**Moderation Mean:** ${moderationMean}\n**Cloud Services Mean:** ${cloudServicesMean}\n**Other Mean:** ${otherMean}\n**Misc Mean:** ${miscMean}`);
embed.setAuthor(user.username, user.avatarURL);
embed.setFooter(this.client.user.username, this.client.user.avatarURL);
split.forEach((c) => embed.addField(c.name, c.value));
return cmdPages.push(embed);
const name = `${user.username} VIA DISCORD - [HISTORICAL]`;
await this.client.report.createInquiry(user.id, name, 1);
if (cmdPages.length === 1) return message.channel.createMessage({ embed: cmdPages[0] });
return createPaginationEmbed(message, cmdPages);
} if (args[0] && this.checkCustomPermissions(this.client.util.resolveMember(message.author.id, this.mainGuild), 4)) {
user = this.client.util.resolveMember(args[0], this.mainGuild)?.user;
if (!user) {
const sc = await this.client.db.Score.findOne({ pin: [Number(args[0].split('-')[0]), Number(args[0].split('-')[1]), Number(args[0].split('-')[2])] });
user = this.client.util.resolveMember(sc.userID, this.mainGuild)?.user;
if (!user) return this.error(message.channel, 'Member not found.');
const hists = await this.client.db.ScoreHistorical.find({ userID: user.id }).limit(31).lean().exec();
if (!hists) return this.error(message.channel, 'No history found.');
if (hists.length < 1) return this.error(message.channel, 'No history found.');
const histArray: [{ name: string, value: string }?] = [];
const totalArray: number[] = [];
const activityArray: number[] = [];
const moderationArray: number[] = [];
const roleArray: number[] = [];
const cloudServicesArray: number[] = [];
const otherArray: number[] = [];
const miscArray: number[] = [];
for (const hist of hists.reverse()) {
let totalScore = '0';
let activityScore = '0';
let moderationScore = '0';
let roleScore = '0';
let cloudServicesScore = '0';
let otherScore = '0';
let miscScore = '0';
if (hist.report.total < 200) totalScore = '---';
else if (hist.report.total > 800) totalScore = '800';
else totalScore = `${hist.report.total}`;
if (hist.report.activity < 10) activityScore = '---';
else if (hist.report.activity > Math.floor((Math.log1p(getTotalMessageCount(this.client)) * 12))) activityScore = String(Math.floor((Math.log1p(getTotalMessageCount(this.client)) * 12)));
else activityScore = `${hist.report.activity}`;
if (hist.report.roles <= 0) roleScore = '---';
else if (hist.report.roles > 54) roleScore = '54';
else roleScore = `${hist.report.roles}`;
moderationScore = `${hist.report.moderation}`;
if (hist.report.other === 0) otherScore = '---';
else otherScore = `${hist.report.other}`;
if (hist.report.staff <= 0) miscScore = '---';
else miscScore = `${hist.report.staff}`;
if (hist.report.cloudServices === 0) cloudServicesScore = '---';
else if (hist.report.cloudServices > 10) cloudServicesScore = '10';
else cloudServicesScore = `${hist.report.cloudServices}`;
let data = '';
let hardInquiries = 0;
const inquiries: InquiryInterface[] = [];
if (hist.inquiries?.length > 0) {
for (const h of hist.inquiries) {
const inq = await this.client.db.Inquiry.findOne({ _id: h });
if (inquiries?.length > 0) {
inquiries.forEach((inq) => {
const testDate = (new Date(new Date(inq.date).setHours(1460)));
// eslint-disable-next-line no-plusplus
if (testDate > new Date()) hardInquiries++;
data += `__CommScore™:__ ${totalScore}\n__Activity:__ ${activityScore}\n__Roles:__ ${roleScore}\n__Moderation:__ ${moderationScore}\n__Cloud Services:__ ${cloudServicesScore}\n__Other:__ ${otherScore}\n__Misc:__ ${miscScore}\n\n__Hard Inquiries:__ ${hardInquiries}\n__Soft Inquiries:__ ${hist.report.softInquiries?.length ?? '0'}`;
histArray.push({ name: moment(hist.date).calendar(), value: data });
const stat = {
totalMean: mean(totalArray),
totalMode: mode(totalArray),
totalMedian: median(totalArray),
activityMean: mean(activityArray),
rolesMean: mean(roleArray),
moderationMean: mean(moderationArray),
cloudServicesMean: mean(cloudServicesArray),
otherMean: mean(otherArray),
miscMean: mean(miscArray),
const splitHist = this.client.util.splitFields(histArray);
const cmdPages: RichEmbed[] = [];
splitHist.forEach((split) => {
const embed = new RichEmbed();
embed.setTitle('Historical Community Report');
let totalMean = '0';
let totalMedian = '0';
let totalMode = '0';
let activityMean = '0';
let moderationMean = '0';
let roleMean = '0';
let cloudServicesMean = '0';
let otherMean = '0';
let miscMean = '0';
if (stat.totalMean < 200) totalMean = '---';
else if (stat.totalMean > 800) totalMean = '800';
else totalMean = `${stat.totalMean}`;
if (stat.totalMedian < 200) totalMedian = '---';
else if (stat.totalMedian > 800) totalMedian = '800';
else totalMedian = `${stat.totalMedian}`;
if (stat.totalMode < 200) totalMode = '---';
else if (stat.totalMode > 800) totalMode = '800';
else totalMode = `${stat.totalMode}`;
if (stat.activityMean < 10) activityMean = '---';
else if (stat.activityMean > Math.floor((Math.log1p(getTotalMessageCount(this.client)) * 12))) activityMean = String(Math.floor((Math.log1p(getTotalMessageCount(this.client)) * 12)));
else activityMean = `${stat.activityMean}`;
if (stat.rolesMean <= 0) roleMean = '---';
else if (stat.rolesMean > 54) roleMean = '54';
else roleMean = `${stat.rolesMean}`;
moderationMean = `${stat.moderationMean}`;
if (stat.otherMean === 0) otherMean = '---';
else otherMean = `${stat.otherMean}`;
if (stat.miscMean <= 0) miscMean = '---';
else miscMean = `${stat.miscMean}`;
if (stat.cloudServicesMean === 0) cloudServicesMean = '---';
else if (stat.cloudServicesMean > 10) cloudServicesMean = '10';
else cloudServicesMean = `${stat.cloudServicesMean}`;
embed.setDescription(`__**Statistical Averages**__\n**CommScore™ Mean:** ${totalMean} | **CommScore™ Mode:** ${totalMode} | **CommScore™ Median:** ${totalMedian}\n\n**Activity Mean:** ${activityMean}\n**Roles Mean:** ${roleMean}\n**Moderation Mean:** ${moderationMean}\n**Cloud Services Mean:** ${cloudServicesMean}\n**Other Mean:** ${otherMean}\n**Misc Mean:** ${miscMean}`);
embed.setAuthor(user.username, user.avatarURL);
embed.setFooter(this.client.user.username, this.client.user.avatarURL);
split.forEach((c) => embed.addField(c.name, c.value));
return cmdPages.push(embed);
let name = '';
for (const role of this.client.util.resolveMember(message.author.id, this.mainGuild).roles.map((r) => this.mainGuild.roles.get(r)).sort((a, b) => b.position - a.position)) {
name = `Library of Code sp-us | ${role.name} - [HISTORICAL]`;
await this.client.report.createInquiry(user.id, name, 1);
if (cmdPages.length === 1) return message.channel.createMessage({ embed: cmdPages[0] });
return createPaginationEmbed(message, cmdPages);
if (!args[0]) return this.client.commands.get('help').run(message, [this.name]);
let user = this.client.util.resolveMember(args[0], this.mainGuild)?.user;
if (!user) {
const sc = await this.client.db.Score.findOne({ pin: [Number(args[0].split('-')[0]), Number(args[0].split('-')[1]), Number(args[0].split('-')[2])] });
user = this.client.util.resolveMember(sc.userID, this.mainGuild)?.user;
return null;
if (!user) return this.error(message.channel, 'Member not found.');
const hists = await this.client.db.ScoreHistorical.find({ userID: user.id }).limit(31).lean().exec();
if (!hists) return this.error(message.channel, 'No history found.');
if (hists.length < 1) return this.error(message.channel, 'No history found.');
const histArray: [{ name: string, value: string }?] = [];
const totalArray: number[] = [];
const activityArray: number[] = [];
const moderationArray: number[] = [];
const roleArray: number[] = [];
const cloudServicesArray: number[] = [];
const otherArray: number[] = [];
const miscArray: number[] = [];
for (const hist of hists.reverse()) {
let totalScore = '0';
let activityScore = '0';
let moderationScore = '0';
let roleScore = '0';
let cloudServicesScore = '0';
let otherScore = '0';
let miscScore = '0';
if (hist.report.total < 200) totalScore = '---';
else if (hist.report.total > 800) totalScore = '800';
else totalScore = `${hist.report.total}`;
if (hist.report.activity < 10) activityScore = '---';
else if (hist.report.activity > Math.floor((Math.log1p(getTotalMessageCount(this.client)) * 12))) activityScore = String(Math.floor((Math.log1p(getTotalMessageCount(this.client)) * 12)));
else activityScore = `${hist.report.activity}`;
if (hist.report.roles <= 0) roleScore = '---';
else if (hist.report.roles > 54) roleScore = '54';
else roleScore = `${hist.report.roles}`;
moderationScore = `${hist.report.moderation}`;
if (hist.report.other === 0) otherScore = '---';
else otherScore = `${hist.report.other}`;
if (hist.report.staff <= 0) miscScore = '---';
else miscScore = `${hist.report.staff}`;
if (hist.report.cloudServices === 0) cloudServicesScore = '---';
else if (hist.report.cloudServices > 10) cloudServicesScore = '10';
else cloudServicesScore = `${hist.report.cloudServices}`;
let data = '';
let hardInquiries = 0;
const inquiries: InquiryInterface[] = [];
if (hist.inquiries?.length > 0) {
for (const h of hist.inquiries) {
const inq = await this.client.db.Inquiry.findOne({ _id: h });
if (inquiries?.length > 0) {
inquiries.forEach((inq) => {
const testDate = (new Date(new Date(inq.date).setHours(1460)));
// eslint-disable-next-line no-plusplus
if (testDate > new Date()) hardInquiries++;
data += `__CommScore™:__ ${totalScore}\n__Activity:__ ${activityScore}\n__Roles:__ ${roleScore}\n__Moderation:__ ${moderationScore}\n__Cloud Services:__ ${cloudServicesScore}\n__Other:__ ${otherScore}\n__Misc:__ ${miscScore}\n\n__Hard Inquiries:__ ${hardInquiries}\n__Soft Inquiries:__ ${hist.report.softInquiries?.length ?? '0'}`;
histArray.push({ name: moment(hist.date).calendar(), value: data });
const stat = {
totalMean: mean(totalArray),
totalMode: mode(totalArray),
totalMedian: median(totalArray),
activityMean: mean(activityArray),
rolesMean: mean(roleArray),
moderationMean: mean(moderationArray),
cloudServicesMean: mean(cloudServicesArray),
otherMean: mean(otherArray),
miscMean: mean(miscArray),
const splitHist = this.client.util.splitFields(histArray);
const cmdPages: RichEmbed[] = [];
splitHist.forEach((split) => {
const embed = new RichEmbed();
embed.setTitle('Historical Community Report');
let totalMean = '0';
let totalMedian = '0';
let totalMode = '0';
let activityMean = '0';
let moderationMean = '0';
let roleMean = '0';
let cloudServicesMean = '0';
let otherMean = '0';
let miscMean = '0';
if (stat.totalMean < 200) totalMean = '---';
else if (stat.totalMean > 800) totalMean = '800';
else totalMean = `${stat.totalMean}`;
if (stat.totalMedian < 200) totalMedian = '---';
else if (stat.totalMedian > 800) totalMedian = '800';
else totalMedian = `${stat.totalMedian}`;
if (stat.totalMode < 200) totalMode = '---';
else if (stat.totalMode > 800) totalMode = '800';
else totalMode = `${stat.totalMode}`;
if (stat.activityMean < 10) activityMean = '---';
else if (stat.activityMean > Math.floor((Math.log1p(getTotalMessageCount(this.client)) * 12))) activityMean = String(Math.floor((Math.log1p(getTotalMessageCount(this.client)) * 12)));
else activityMean = `${stat.activityMean}`;
if (stat.rolesMean <= 0) roleMean = '---';
else if (stat.rolesMean > 54) roleMean = '54';
else roleMean = `${stat.rolesMean}`;
moderationMean = `${stat.moderationMean}`;
if (stat.otherMean === 0) otherMean = '---';
else otherMean = `${stat.otherMean}`;
if (stat.miscMean <= 0) miscMean = '---';
else miscMean = `${stat.miscMean}`;
if (stat.cloudServicesMean === 0) cloudServicesMean = '---';
else if (stat.cloudServicesMean > 10) cloudServicesMean = '10';
else cloudServicesMean = `${stat.cloudServicesMean}`;
embed.setDescription(`__**Statistical Averages**__\n**CommScore™ Mean:** ${totalMean} | **CommScore™ Mode:** ${totalMode} | **CommScore™ Median:** ${totalMedian}\n\n**Activity Mean:** ${activityMean}\n**Roles Mean:** ${roleMean}\n**Moderation Mean:** ${moderationMean}\n**Cloud Services Mean:** ${cloudServicesMean}\n**Other Mean:** ${otherMean}\n**Misc Mean:** ${miscMean}`);
embed.setAuthor(user.username, user.avatarURL);
embed.setFooter(this.client.user.username, this.client.user.avatarURL);
split.forEach((c) => embed.addField(c.name, c.value));
return cmdPages.push(embed);
let name = '';
for (const role of this.client.util.resolveMember(message.author.id, this.mainGuild).roles.map((r) => this.mainGuild.roles.get(r)).sort((a, b) => b.position - a.position)) {
name = `Library of Code sp-us | ${role.name} - [HISTORICAL]`;
await this.client.report.createInquiry(user.id, name, 1);
if (cmdPages.length === 1) return message.channel.createMessage({ embed: cmdPages[0] });
return createPaginationEmbed(message, cmdPages);
} catch (err) {
return this.client.util.handleError(err, message, this);
Reference in New Issue