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import { randomBytes } from 'crypto';
import { AccountInterface } from '../models';
import { Client } from '..';
export default class AccountUtil {
public client: Client;
constructor(client: Client) {
this.client = client;
* This function creates a new user account.
* @param data Data/information on the new user account to create.
* @param data.userID The Discord ID for the user.
* @param data.username The username for the new user, this will also be their username on the machine.
* @param data.emailAddress The user's email address.
* @param moderator The Discord user ID for the Staff member that created the account.
public async createAccount(data: { userID: string, username: string, emailAddress: string }, moderator: string): Promise<{ account: AccountInterface, tempPass: string }> {
const moderatorMember = this.client.guilds.get('446067825673633794').members.get(moderator);
const tempPass = this.client.util.randomPassword();
let passHash = await this.client.util.createHash(tempPass); passHash = passHash.replace(/[$]/g, '\\$').replace('\n', '');
const acctName = this.client.users.get(data.userID).username.replace(/[!@#$%^&*(),.?":{}|<>]/g, '-').replace(/\s/g, '-');
const etcPasswd = `${acctName},${data.userID},,`;
const code = randomBytes(3).toString('hex').toUpperCase();
const accountInterface = await this.client.util.createAccount(passHash, etcPasswd, data.username, data.userID, data.emailAddress, moderator, code);
await this.client.util.createModerationLog(data.userID, moderatorMember, 0);
to: data.emailAddress,
from: 'Library of Code sp-us | Cloud Services <help@libraryofcode.org>',
subject: 'Your account has been created!',
html: `
<style>* {font-family: 'Calibri';}</style>
<h1>Library of Code | Cloud Services</h1>
<h2>Your Cloud Account has been created, welcome! Please see below for some details regarding your account and our services</h2>
<p><b>Username:</b> ${data.username}</p>
<p><b>Support Key:</b> ${code} || <i>You may be asked for this support key when contacting Library of Code, please keep the code in a safe area.</i></p>
<p><b>SSH Login:</b> <pre><code style="font-family: Courier;">ssh ${data.username}@cloud.libraryofcode.org</code></pre>
<h2>Useful information</h2>
<h3>How to log in:</h3>
<li>Open your desired terminal application - we recommend using <a target="_blank" href="https://git-scm.com/downloads">Bash</a>, but you can use your computer's default</li>
<li>Type in your SSH Login as above</li>
<li>When prompted, enter your password <em>Please note that inputs will be blank, so be careful not to type in your password incorrectly</em></li>
<p>If you fail to authenticate yourself too many times, you will be IP banned and will fail to connect. If this is the case, feel free to DM Ramirez with your <a target="_blank" href="https://whatismyip.com">public IPv4 address</a>.
<h3>Channels and Links</h3>
<li><a target="_blank" href="https://discordapp.com/channels/446067825673633794/622856541325885453">#status</a> - You can find the status of all our services, including the cloud machine, here</li>
<li><a target="_blank" href="https://discordapp.com/channels/446067825673633794/620355063088414769">#cloud-announcements</a> - Announcements regarding the cloud machine will be here. These include planned maintenance, updates to preinstalled services etc.</li>
<li><a target="_blank" href="https://discordapp.com/channels/446067825673633794/620349128295186472">#cloud-info</a> - Important information you will need to, or should, know to a certain extent. These include our infractions system and Tier limits</li>
<li><a target="_blank" href="https://discordapp.com/channels/446067825673633794/546457788184789013">#cloud-support</a> - A support channel specifically for the cloud machine, you can use this to ask how to renew your certificates, for example</li>
<li><a target="_blank" href="https://support.libraryofcode.org">Library of Code Support Desk</a> - Our Support desk, you can contact Staff here.</li>
<h3>Want to support us?</h3>
<p>You can support us on Patreon! Head to <a target="_blank" href="https://www.patreon.com/libraryofcode">our Patreon page</a> and feel free to donate as much or as little as you want!<br>Donating $5 or more will grant you Tier 3, which means we will manage your account at your request, longer certificates, increased Tier limits as well as some roles in the server!</p>
<b><i>Library of Code sp-us | Support Team</i></b>
const dmChannel = await this.client.getDMChannel(data.userID).catch();
dmChannel.createMessage('<:loc:607695848612167700> **Thank you for creating an account with us!** <:loc:607695848612167700>\n'
+ `Please log into your account by running \`ssh ${data.username}@cloud.libraryofcode.org\` in your terminal, then use the password \`${tempPass}\` to log in.\n`
+ `You will be asked to change your password, \`(current) UNIX password\` is \`${tempPass}\`, then create a password that is at least 12 characters long, with at least one number, special character, and an uppercase letter\n`
+ 'Bear in mind that when you enter your password, it will be blank, so be careful not to type in your password incorrectly.\n'
+ 'You may now return to Modmail, and continue setting up your account from there.\n\n'
+ 'An email containing some useful information has also been sent.\n'
+ `Your support key is \`${code}\`. Pin this message, you may need this key to contact Library of Code in the future.`).catch();
return { account: accountInterface, tempPass };