import fs from 'fs-extra'; import moment from 'moment'; import x509 from '@ghaiklor/x509'; import { createPaginationEmbed } from 'eris-pagination'; import { Message } from 'eris'; import { Command, RichEmbed } from '../class'; import { Client } from '..'; export default class CWG_Data extends Command { constructor(client: Client) { super(client); = 'data'; this.description = 'Check CWG data'; this.usage = `${this.client.config.prefix}cwg data [Domain | Port]`; this.permissions = { roles: ['446104438969466890'] }; this.enabled = true; } public async run(message: Message, args: string[]) { try { if (!args[0]) return this.client.commands.get('help').run(message, ['cwg',]); const dom = await this.client.db.Domain.find({ $or: [{ domain: args[0] }, { port: Number(args[0]) || '' }] }); if (!dom.length) return`***${this.client.stores.emojis.error} The domain or port you provided could not be found.***`); const embeds: RichEmbed[] = []; await (domain) => { const cert = await fs.readFile(domain.x509.cert, { encoding: 'utf8' }); const embed = new RichEmbed(); embed.setTitle('Domain Information'); embed.addField('Account Username', domain.account.username, true); embed.addField('Account ID', domain.account.userID, true); embed.addField('Domain', domain.domain, true); embed.addField('Port', String(domain.port), true); embed.addField('Certificate Issuer', x509.getIssuer(cert).organizationName, true); embed.addField('Certificate Subject', x509.getSubject(cert).commonName, true); embed.addField('Certificate Expiration Date', moment(x509.parseCert(cert).notAfter).format('dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss A'), true); embed.setFooter(this.client.user.username, this.client.user.avatarURL); embed.setTimestamp(); return embed; // s.push(embed); }); this.client.signale.log(embeds); // @ts-ignore if (embeds.length === 1) return{ embed: embeds[0] }); return createPaginationEmbed(message, this.client, embeds, {}); } catch (error) { return this.client.util.handleError(error, message, this); } } }