2020-03-13 17:49:51 -04:00
/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
export default class RichEmbed {
title?: string
type?: string
description?: string
url?: string
timestamp?: Date
color?: number
footer?: { text: string, icon_url?: string, proxy_icon_url?: string}
image?: { url: string, proxy_url?: string, height?: number, width?: number }
thumbnail?: { url?: string, proxy_url?: string, height?: number, width?: number }
video?: { url: string, height?: number, width?: number }
provider?: { name: string, url?: string}
author?: { name: string, url?: string, proxy_icon_url?: string, icon_url?: string}
fields?: {name: string, value: string, inline?: boolean}[]
constructor(data: {
title?: string, type?: string, description?: string, url?: string, timestamp?: Date, color?: number, fields?: {name: string, value: string, inline?: boolean}[]
footer?: { text: string, icon_url?: string, proxy_icon_url?: string}, image?: { url: string, proxy_url?: string, height?: number, width?: number },
thumbnail?: { url: string, proxy_url?: string, height?: number, width?: number }, video?: { url: string, height?: number, width?: number },
provider?: { name: string, url?: string}, author?: { name: string, url?: string, proxy_icon_url?: string, icon_url?: string},
} = {}) {
let types: {
title?: string, type?: string, description?: string, url?: string, timestamp?: Date, color?: number, fields?: {name: string, value: string, inline?: boolean}[]
footer?: { text: string, icon_url?: string, proxy_icon_url?: string}, image?: { url?: string, proxy_url?: string, height?: number, width?: number },
thumbnail?: { url?: string, proxy_url?: string, height?: number, width?: number }, video?: { url?: string, height?: number, width?: number },
provider?: { name?: string, url?: string}, author?: { name?: string, url?: string, proxy_icon_url?: string, icon_url?: string}
this.title = data.title;
this.description = data.description;
this.url = data.url;
this.color = data.color;
this.author = data.author;
this.timestamp = data.timestamp;
this.fields = data.fields || [];
this.thumbnail = data.thumbnail;
this.image = data.image;
this.footer = data.footer;
* Sets the title of this embed.
setTitle(title: string) {
if (typeof title !== 'string') throw new TypeError('RichEmbed titles must be a string.');
if (title.length > 256) throw new RangeError('RichEmbed titles may not exceed 256 characters.');
this.title = title;
return this;
* Sets the description of this embed.
setDescription(description: string) {
if (typeof description !== 'string') throw new TypeError('RichEmbed descriptions must be a string.');
if (description.length > 2048) throw new RangeError('RichEmbed descriptions may not exceed 2048 characters.');
this.description = description;
return this;
* Sets the URL of this embed.
setURL(url: string) {
if (typeof url !== 'string') throw new TypeError('RichEmbed URLs must be a string.');
if (!url.startsWith('http://') || !url.startsWith('https://')) url = `https://${url}`;
this.url = url;
return this;
* Sets the color of this embed.
setColor(color: string | number) {
if (typeof color === 'string' || typeof color === 'number') {
if (typeof color === 'string') {
const regex = /[^a-f0-9]/gi;
color = color.replace(/#/g, '');
if (regex.test(color)) throw new RangeError('Hexadecimal colours must not contain characters other than 0-9 and a-f.');
color = parseInt(color, 16);
} else if (color < 0 || color > 16777215) throw new RangeError('Base 10 colours must not be less than 0 or greater than 16777215.');
this.color = color;
return this;
throw new TypeError('RichEmbed colours must be hexadecimal as string or number.');
* Sets the author of this embed.
setAuthor(name: string, icon_url?: string, url?: string) {
if (typeof name !== 'string') throw new TypeError('RichEmbed Author names must be a string.');
if (url && typeof url !== 'string') throw new TypeError('RichEmbed Author URLs must be a string.');
if (icon_url && typeof icon_url !== 'string') throw new TypeError('RichEmbed Author icons must be a string.');
this.author = { name, icon_url, url };
return this;
* Sets the timestamp of this embed.
setTimestamp(timestamp = new Date()) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
if (isNaN(timestamp.getTime())) throw new TypeError('Expecting ISO8601 (Date constructor)');
this.timestamp = timestamp;
return this;
* Adds a field to the embed (max 25).
addField(name: string, value: string, inline = false) {
if (typeof name !== 'string') throw new TypeError('RichEmbed Field names must be a string.');
if (typeof value !== 'string') throw new TypeError('RichEmbed Field values must be a string.');
if (typeof inline !== 'boolean') throw new TypeError('RichEmbed Field inlines must be a boolean.');
if (this.fields.length >= 25) throw new RangeError('RichEmbeds may not exceed 25 fields.');
if (name.length > 256) throw new RangeError('RichEmbed field names may not exceed 256 characters.');
if (!/\S/.test(name)) throw new RangeError('RichEmbed field names may not be empty.');
if (value.length > 1024) throw new RangeError('RichEmbed field values may not exceed 1024 characters.');
if (!/\S/.test(value)) throw new RangeError('RichEmbed field values may not be empty.');
this.fields.push({ name, value, inline });
return this;
* Convenience function for `<RichEmbed>.addField('\u200B', '\u200B', inline)`.
addBlankField(inline = false) {
return this.addField('\u200B', '\u200B', inline);
* Set the thumbnail of this embed.
setThumbnail(url: string) {
if (typeof url !== 'string') throw new TypeError('RichEmbed Thumbnail URLs must be a string.');
this.thumbnail = { url };
return this;
* Set the image of this embed.
setImage(url: string) {
if (typeof url !== 'string') throw new TypeError('RichEmbed Image URLs must be a string.');
if (!url.startsWith('http://') || !url.startsWith('https://')) url = `https://${url}`;
this.image = { url };
return this;
* Sets the footer of this embed.
setFooter(text: string, icon_url?: string) {
if (typeof text !== 'string') throw new TypeError('RichEmbed Footers must be a string.');
if (icon_url && typeof icon_url !== 'string') throw new TypeError('RichEmbed Footer icon URLs must be a string.');
if (text.length > 2048) throw new RangeError('RichEmbed footer text may not exceed 2048 characters.');
this.footer = { text, icon_url };
return this;